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I think there was something about upgrading the front of the main stand said yesterday , it will be done for our 150th birthday so what would you like to see done any budding architects on the forum , alas I wont be around but what do you think should be done .

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I'd just like to see Edmiston Drive a bit smarter and more Rangers-related things around the place. The front facade of the Main Stand is perfect as it is.


I'd also like to see the filthy beggars put in the Broomloan corner in future. Sick of them getting the whole stand.

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Safety/Terror related mainly but it’s also a nice improvement too.


Should imagine the pedestrian part will have retractable barriers and safety barriers? I would like to see a section where old legends could put their hand prints and footprints into concrete, like they have in Hollywood.

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I'd just like to see Edmiston Drive a bit smarter and more Rangers-related things around the place. The front facade of the Main Stand is perfect as it is.


I'd also like to see the filthy beggars put in the Broomloan corner in future. Sick of them getting the whole stand.


What type of Rangers related do you mean? I have always like just seeing the brick colours upon arriving. I wouldnt want to cheapen that, its class from the offset with Rangers FC and the flags flying. I dont agree with the players pictures etc on the outside of the stadium - that would look better internally. Keep the unique class look outside.


As for them them in the corner, nah if thats the case we get that crap corner at Parkhead. If anything we should get our away allocation upped a bit as it should go by percentage. Imagine not having 7500 bears at Parkhead when we won the league there in 99?

Edited by Gribz
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I have always thought the club misses out on cash from fans on match days, somewhere for the fans to have their pre-match beers!, most fans would rather be putting money into the club, something like beer tents??, I don't know the licensing laws but surely this could be looked at?

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