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Club statement: Celtic match


Thursday, November 30, 2017


Motherwell Football Club today released the following statement in relation to Wednesday’s match with Celtic at Fir Park.


“Many supporters have contacted the club today seeking clarity on our position regarding incidents during Wednesday night’s fixture with Celtic.“Firstly, it is unfortunate yet another Motherwell match has been dominated by a debatable decision from a match official. It is a call that has left the majority of our supporters again feeling extremely frustrated.


“Whilst everyone in football accepts match officials have a challenging role, and getting everything correct is almost impossible, it is disappointing to see high profile decisions affect both Wednesday night’s match and the Betfred Cup final in the way they have.


“To that end, we have made contact with the Scottish FA’s Head of Refereeing to express our views and seek feedback.


“In addition, the board would like to thank our fans for yet another strong turnout and for their backing of the team. Our average attendances are up almost 30% this season as Stephen Robinson and his squad continue to capture the imagination.


“However, we also note the comments of the Celtic captain today. As we do at every match at Fir Park, if any incidents are reported to us, we will fully investigate them. Should any evidence exist, we will take appropriate action against any individuals who have acted unacceptably.


“In addition, we will work with Celtic Football Club to fully investigate, amongst other things, the numerous acts of vandalism, including 206 broken seats, damaged toilets and graffiti in the McEwan Fraser Legal South Stand.”



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Players need more protection from spectators throwing coins at them or "someone will get hit on the head", Celtic captain Scott Brown says.


Brown believes he was targeted during Wednesday's 1-1 draw at Motherwell.


Objects were thrown around 10 minutes before half-time, with Brown and right-back Mikael Lustig then seen removing items from the pitch."People are getting hit by coins and getting stuff thrown at them pretty much every week now," Brown said.


"Just because we are doing so well in the league, away fans don't like that. We have understood it is part and parcel now of when you go away. "Leigh Griffiths is taking a corner and getting things thrown at him. People have to make sure that we should be OK when you are going to take a corner or a free-kick.


"People can shout or sing whatever they want, but you can't throw things. It isn't showing a great example, is it? "It is more when you go away from home, and it is starting to get more and more. We are just getting used to it now. "You go and take a corner, and you have got to look over your shoulder to see what is coming."


Brown initially quipped: "I made a pound again - I am getting good at this game." But he believes the potential for injury is obvious, although doubts any action will be taken.


"Eventually someone will [get injured]," he said. "Someone will get hit on the head, or something, with a coin. Until that happens, probably no-one will do anything about it."It is hard to be fair. You can't see right away who has thrown a coin, but there is CCTV at games and you can look at that."



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The great problem that they all have is that they take all-round adolation for granted and expect to do whatever they want without any repercussions. Indeed, if the latter happen by, they go great lengths to question even the obvious misdeeds committed by them. And if the SFA/SPFL essentially rescinds clear red cards or let you get away with kung-fu-style kicks ... while handing you nigh any might-be-foul committed against you or award dubious and even obviously cheated free kicks and penalties, there is no wonder how they come to that self-conception.


They now simply know no shame, provoke people by cleaning their nose on corner-flags or hanging scarfes on goal-posts after a defeat against the old enemy. Rest assured, they would get slaughtered over here by authorities and the media. In Scotland though, idiots like the Legoeater are given a platform to lament about being treated with abuse for what they do constantly. A platform that does not question why that same person saw need (as opposed with previous serial wins) to do this after the game:




You simple hope that Motherwell ends their "run", hopefully with an undeserved penalty in the 93rd minute.

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I think that SPL and other clubs were convinced by rasellik that Rangers' travails would end up in its disappearance, leaving fhilthfc to dominate Scottish fitba' for a few years, during which it would negotiate its way out of a singularly non competitive league.

Scottish fitba' would then become genuinely competitive, and the smaller clubs would benefit.


The provincial (and Partick) fans have been manipulated by a constant drip, drip, drip of anti Rangers propaganda, over a long period, say 20/25 years, into hating us more than they hate them. Previously, there was a more or less equivalent amount of animosity directed against us and the sex criminals.

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From a Motherwell fan BEFORE last nights match..eeek


LawSteelman LawSteelman is offline

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Oct 2004



The hold that Celtic FC have over Scottish football

Seven years ago this month there was a refereeing strike in this country that had never been seen before or since. This forced the SFA to bring in foreign referees to officiate Scottish football matches and what was the reason behind this? Celtic Football Club. They bullied, shouted and threatened all sorts until a referee who had made a mistake in a match involving them and tried to cover it up was removed from position and used this to support their daft conspiracy. Never mind that in the incident in question they were actually incorrectly awarded a penalty...but nah move on nothing to see here!


That club, it's supporters, various players and managers over the years have played 'professional victim' and stamped their feet and whinged and wailed to anyone who would listen that they were hard done to, downtrodden, victimised by match officials and anyone who disagreed with their warped, tunnel visioned, deluded views was pro-Rangers and therefore anti Celtic and also anti Irish and anti- Roman Catholic. Now, to any sane person this is obviously utter nonsense, but sadly people who repeat lies often enough and shout them loudly enough, the more gullible tend to accept them as fact and indeed sadly even some Motherwell fans but into their bigoted myth that if you show dislike of Celtic then "you must be a bigot". We've seen examples of that on this very board over the years and in some cases at Fir Park too, examples of Well fans being influenced by Celtic's 'victim propaganda'.


It's not just our fans who are influenced by them. It's various others and their clubs. Result of that is that Celtic can get ridiculous decisions given in their favour like the penalty on Sunday and very little is made of it. I can guarantee you, had Moult gone down like that in exactly the same circumstances up the other end and we'd been awarded a penalty for it then Moult would be facing a ban by now and it would be the number one sports story for weeks. For anyone who doubts this, look back to Celtic's 2015 SCSF against Inverness and the penalty they didn't get. They had supporters reps writing to the SFA demanding action and Josh Meekings of Inverness was offered a ban. Their chums in the press were greetin about it for weeks on end afterwards too.


Then last season, Scott Brown - who gets away with murder week in, week out - had a completely justified red card rescinded basically all because of the fuss Celtic kicked up over a dive by a Ross County player in a separate incident.


People love to go on about corruption in Scottish football with the preferred belief that it is 'The Old Firm' or more so, Rangers who benefit but from what I can see there is only one club up here who have the authorities by the balls and are having the entire game run for their benefit...and that club isn't Rangers.


Scottish football would be a much better place without Celtic FC and all the baggage that goes hand in hand with them, they are a cancer on our game

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