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Hampden Park – Qheens Park Club Statement

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November 21st, 2017


Over the past few weeks there have been many reports around the Scottish FA remaining or leaving Hampden. Most recently Stewart Regan has been quoted, by BBC Sport Football, as stating “We know it will cost many, many millions of pounds to stay for another term of a lease similar to what we have now”. This causes Queen’s Park, as owners of the National Stadium great concern.


We have to date had no detailed access to any evidence to substantiate this statement and would seek confirmation from the Scottish FA that they have fulfilled their responsibilities, under the present lease, to maintain the stadium and further detailed evidence to support Mr Regan’s statement.


Whilst Mr Regan has stated it would take many many millions of pounds to remain at Hampden, he has not clarified how much it would cost the Scottish FA to leave Hampden. For the past 17 years the stadium has been successfully operated by Hampden Park Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Scottish FA, with many areas of revenue generation, including sponsors, naming rights, third party rentals and concerts.


The present lease arrangements allow the Scottish FA to work independently with a vast degree of flexibility and the ability and freedom, for example, to bid and be awarded matches from the UEFA 2020 EURO’s.


The decision to remain or leave cannot be based purely on cost, the City of Glasgow and indeed Scotland could be greatly affected by the loss of the iconic Hampden Park, recognised worldwide as the home of Scottish Football.


Queen’s Park would further like to clarify that recent reports of rental of £800K per annum, being paid to Queen’s Park are incorrect. Under the present lease agreement, a confidentiality clause prohibits us from making public the rental amount, however we can say it is much much less the £800K per annum paid directly to Queen’s Park.


The vast proportion of the rental is retained by the Scottish FA to maintain the stadium.




I did try and correct the typo in the title!!

Edited by ian1964
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I've connections to that club and was well aware that Lispys statement was untrue.

Also, it's a bit rich for him to be mooting a move because of cost and maintenance when it's his mob who are responsible for the upkeep.

It only proves what we all thought - we'd get a few games/friendlies around the country before his pal Liewell got all the matches that mattered. The SFA would also probably get brand new offices in an annex of the hotel proposed at the Paedodome.

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Brendan Rodgers likes Murrayfield but says Hampden ‘not great’


Brendan Rodgers has issued a withering critique of Hampden while endorsing Murrayfield as “a proper, well thought-out stadium”. The Celtic manager, who will take his team to the Glasgow stadium for this afternoon’s Betfred Cup final against Motherwell, made his comments in relation to the questions over whether Hampden has a future as Scottish football’s home for internationals and major cup occasions.


The Scottish FA will decide next month whether to renew the lease on the ground – which is owned by Queen’s Park – or take fixtures round the country to Celtic Park, Ibrox, Easter Road, Tynecastle, Pittodrie and Murrayfield, as demand requires. Queen’s Park this week disputed the amount it would cost the SFA to remain at Hampden, with the reported figure of £800,000 believed to be arrived at by combining a £500,000 figure for upkeep with a £300,000 sum paid in rent to the League One club. Rodgers restricted himself to the spectator experience in giving a poor assessment of what Hampden has to offer. “There are better stadiums.


If we’re talking stadia then it’s not a great stadium,” he said. “If you’re talking access, comfort, the view of the game, there are many things about Hampden that are not good. “It’s not ideal and I don’t know the real story behind the investment and how it was reformed. You always think about the supporters and I hear enough people saying it’s not very good. I’m the lucky one really that gets to stand at the side of the pitch.


I always wonder about how much the people behind the goal really see.“It’s one for the SFA to decide.“When I came in, I said ‘well this is where we have to play the games, we’ve got to like it’. As long as the pitch is a good pitch and there’s posts either end then we’ve got to perform and we’ve got to find a way. It’ll be the same this weekend.“My experience of it has been great of course [with wins in two cup finals and two semi-finals]. Sometimes the atmosphere is right up there at Hampden. After the Scotland v England game in June I remember people saying the whole place shook so it has the potential and possibility.


But I’ve never been to the other stadiums. I know Hearts were playing at Murrayfield which looks a proper, well thought-out stadium. “[The history and tradition] is the other side to Hampden. It’s where all the stories are, down the years right back to the black and white pictures.“Real Madrid and European Cup and Champions League finals so there is a real historical element. I know there is a real mindset for a lot of negatives around Scotland but I try to look for real positives. I have enjoyed going there.”


Read more at: http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/celtic/brendan-rodgers-likes-murrayfield-but-says-hampden-not-great-1-4623414

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Why is Brendon Rogers all of a sudden the voice of Scottish football? The next SFA member on the Celtic payroll to give a statement will be Craig Thomson.

Edited by pete
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