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Rangers fans brand Aberdeen fan forum members “dregs of society”

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By Robert Collins

10th November 2017, 2:28 pm Updated: 10th November 2017, 2:44 pm


Rangers fans brand Aberdeen fan forum members “dregs of society” over vile comments about ex-Gers ace Fernando Ricksen.


Fernando Ricksen, who starred for the blue half of the Old Firm between 2000 and 2006, went public with his illness in 2013.


RANGERS fans have slammed an Aberdeen forum after members made vile comments about ex-Gers star Fernando Ricksen.


Supporters group Club 1872 branded the Dons followers as ‘dregs of society’ for making sick gags about the Ibrox hero’s on-going battle with Motor Neuron Disease.


During a discussion about the vacant Rangers manager’s position a fan claimed the ex-Holland international would “have trouble with the famous marble staircase”


Another said: “What’s black and sits at the top of the stairs? Ricksen after a house fire.”


One supporter asked: “Why can Ricksen only do one liners? Because he can’t stand up.”


And another said: “What do you call Ricksen in the bath? Vegetable soup.”


Club 1872, a supporters group for the Ibrox club, hit out, saying: “We were disgusted when we were made aware of these sickening comments about Fernando.


“His illness is something that should transcend football rivalry and supporters of a number of clubs in Scotland have been very kind to him and his family through what has been a very difficult time for them.


“The Aberdeen supporters who made these comments should be ashamed of themselves – they are the dregs of society.


“This is now a matter for the police and Aberdeen Football Club and we hope appropriate action will be taken against all those involved.


“Club 1872 would once again like to reiterate our support and admiration for Fernando and his family as they battle against a horrible illness.”


Fernando Ricksen, who starred for the blue half of the Old Firm between 2000 and 2006, went public with his illness in 2013


MND is the same muscle-wasting disease that killed Celtic legend Jimmy Johnstone in 2006, aged 61.


Dutchman, who now receives 24 hour care, was inducted into the Rangers Hall of Fame on March 30 2014.



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Pretty disgusting and vile - but if it's illegal then Frankie Boyle should be worried.


And we're not whiter than white: I have a Catalan girlfriend and wasn't impressed with someone on here using how voters in Catalonia were treated by the Spanish police to make an very unfunny "joke".

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Pretty disgusting and vile - but if it's illegal then Frankie Boyle should be worried.


And we're not whiter than white: I have a Catalan girlfriend and wasn't impressed with someone on here using how voters in Catalonia were treated by the Spanish police to make an very unfunny "joke".


must have missed that one....hope it wasn't me when I was pished.....but you're right, some of the 'gers forums indulge in that sort of shite. Gersnet isn't usually one.....this place is better than the rest. Of all the forums I've looked at, the worst bile and shite I've read is not not Celtic or Aberdeen forums, but on Hearts. Could not believe the stuff I've read on there

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Sick comments but fans of most clubs have done it over the years. Aberdeen fans have always been tossers. No wonder living in that grey dump.


I made the humorous comment about Spanish police and won't apologise for it. If you're upset by a daft comment (slagging Partick Thistle fans) on a football forum, I suggest you go to the ballet or polo instead.


I remember when we all had thick skins.

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Sick comments but fans of most clubs have done it over the years. Aberdeen fans have always been tossers. No wonder living in that grey dump.


I made the humorous comment about Spanish police and won't apologise for it. If you're upset by a daft comment (slagging Partick Thistle fans) on a football forum, I suggest you go to the ballet or polo instead.


I remember when we all had thick skins.


as I said I missed it. but I remember the Spanish cops giving us a doing at Osasuna, and I remember we took on the cunts at the nou camp. fucking no passaran or whit........challenge to the polis in franco's Spain wasn't common........I reckon we played a small part in showing the military dictatorship could be opposed

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Franco hasn't been in power for 40 years.


My wife is foreign and I'm always ribbing her about it. Thankfully, like me, she can take a joke.


She also knows I can't stand Aberdeen FC or their betamax loving fans.

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