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Is Mark Daly a Rangers supporter ?

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It would be funny if it wasn't so fecking serious.

BBC Scotland news report there has Daly calling out Dermott Desmond after Desmond was found out [again] to be fiddling the accounts to avoid his tax liabilities .

Daly reports that Desmond wrote to him the next day. The first line of his letter was, "Are you a Rangers supporter ?"

So we have a serial tax cheater refusing several requests for interview by a BBC investigative journalist. When said journalist doorsteps him as he's leaving the Paedodome the first thing going through the mind of this captain of industry and billionaire is, he must be a Rangers supporter.

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How dare BBC Scotland employ someone capable of questioning Celtc?


" How many Irish businessmen do BBC Scotland show an interest in?

When did the state broadcaster start to show an interest in Swiss tax matters?

Incredibly the lead item in the 6 o’clock news on Radio Scotland was the Celtic link in the so-called Paradise Papers. The story is also the lead on the BBC Scotland football webpage.

Dermot Desmond, the biggest individual shareholder in Celtic but certainly not the club owner, is the subject of interest for the movers and shakers at the BBC Scotland newsroom.

There are a number of big names listed in the documents revealed by Panarama, many of whom have enjoyed lucrative payments from the BBC who are funded entirely from licence payments.

Exactly what level of national interest there is in an Irishman who invests outwith the UK for a company registered in Switzerland is hard to fathom.

Other than an agency report on Friday night the BBC Scotland website hasn’t mentioned the accounts of the Ibrox tribute act. "


The cover up and calls of victimisation have started already. :flute:

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