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Ongoing new manager discussion and speculation

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Would lead to more xenophobia from the Scottish football press....


With any luck their heads would explode.


Any appointment who does not, ahem, hail from their coterie of 'pals' who nosh their expense account lunches, compete in their golf days, and throw a few crumbs of information their way is anathema to them. If he is Johnny Foreigner to boot......

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Would lead to more xenophobia from the Scottish football press....


Yup, but that’s what happens when you side with players. They rule the club now and decide on the management. Terrible state of affairs. Best let Miller run the selection process?

Edited by cooponthewing
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I can't quite explain it but I think McInnes would be very average.


This Belgian guy excites me though (in a football way).


I think he'd need a Scottish assistant though. That was Pedro's mistake bringing in an entire Portuguese backroom staff(except JJ)

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I think he'd need a Scottish assistant though. That was Pedro's mistake bringing in an entire Portuguese backroom staff(except JJ)


Perhaps he did not realise that some of the dogs who were barking at the caravan were those to whom no one could teach new tricks......

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