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Bayern Munich - Rangers were ‘forced into relegation’

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If you want us to stand and have a reasoned argument with everyone who claims our club died then you must have a lot of spare time on your hands and might be a tad delusional (if you think it might have any impact).


I hear it every day at work. Responding with laugher or my preferred option, "What's Jim Torbett up to these days?" take little time and shut them up a lot quicker.

Edited by Gonzo79
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If it takes a generation so be it but we need to get people in positions of influence. They know when we do, that after everything that’s happened they will feel a storm like never before.

They will do everything they can to prevent this but we must address how they have all contrived to dehumanise our culture, club and society.

Edited by cooponthewing
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If you want us to stand and have a reasoned argument with everyone who claims our club died then you must have a lot of spare time on your hands and might be a tad delusional (if you think it might have any impact).


I hear it every day at work. Responding with laugher or my preferred option, "What's Jim Torbett up to these days?" take little time and shut them up a lot quicker.


Perhaps you leave the strata of your everyday Yahoo, Don, or Hibee for a moment and think about what I wrote before.


It is about the media of Scotland as well as BBC Scotland here ... and how they portray us to the world. Not what the Scum fan in the canteen thinks about us. And - as I pointed out - if you look at google these days and end up with tons of articles of the DR or by the BBC writing about "liquidation", "Rangers" and "2012" with no hint of making a difference between club and company, you quickly end up with articles about a new club or a club that shed its debts at the cost of the rest of the game and was rightly punished and is now looking for its first league title after liquidation. That is how the afore-mentioned portray us to the world and the opinion that is formed out there by people not knowing any better or who don't double check facts with UEFA or the like.


The media has a lot of freedoms, but also responsibilities. When it comes to us, they take liberty of their position and create a view that is at best half true and more often than not heinous defamation. And I for one rather want the truth about us out there in the world than ill-informed people in Portugal, Mexico, or the US talking about the "liquidated club".

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It's definitely not just about the guy at work, the problem is that when you have a lot of people so determined to get you at all costs to themselves, then just laughing at it can put you in a lot of trouble.


It's kind of like cackling at those that say you're a witch and spread that rumour during the witch hunting era...


I think our problem is that we just can't win here - you have to have a lot of passion to continuously put great efforts into lying, twisting and spreading mistruths. Even to the extent of worming your way into influential positions and then abuse that influence with no regard for professionalism or integrity.


I just don't think there aren't enough Rangers fans who are sad and weird enough to do that, it's like a religious war where we're the atheists - but then there are plenty of them that suffered and still do, at the hands of the zealots.


I don't think we have anywhere near the will to fight them at their own game, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be a wee bit vigilant and keep the rest of the world informed of the truth.

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Well, what do you intend to do to sort out the yahoo infested media?


Me, I don't buy any papers and I couldn't care less how we're portrayed overseas. Scottish teams, unlike those in England, Spain, Germany and Italy, don't get any revenue from outside of Scotland/Britain. We'll always be here, despite what Tom English or Chris Sutton say.

Edited by Gonzo79
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Well, what do you intend to do to sort out the yahoo infested media?


As I said, they are winning because they are zealots (it's almost unbelievable how many of them have so much appetite for it). I'm not like that so I probably won't actually do much. But what I won't do is discourage others from highlighting things, or for calling out lies and malevolent misrepresentation when it arises. I will encourage it and be thankful for it. Hopefully others will have that attitude and so the supporters clubs and the club itself will raise the issues in a way that is pertinent and not embarrassing, as well as others feeling supported when they can do some good.


Me, I don't buy any papers and I couldn't care less how we're portrayed overseas. Scottish teams, unlike those in England, Spain, Germany and Italy, don't get any revenue from outside of Scotland/Britain. We'll always be here, despite what Tom English or Chris Sutton say.


I don't buy any papers either, and try to avoid the links to the usual suspects, and especially avoid the BBC sports pages.


I do think, however, that we have an opportunity to educate the outside world, and hopefully many will view it the way most of us view the Spanish police attacks on Catalans.

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We fully deserved being put down to the third.


Indeed loads of fans demanded we go there once thrown out the spl.


To be honest allowing us to continue uninterupted despite liquidation was incredibly lenient.


Other teams had no such luck.


People should remember that. Me included.


The sfa could easily have removed our history by not transferring our membership and making us re apply.






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