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Hamilton Academical FC have been the target of an elaborate fraud

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Hamilton Academical FC have been the target of an elaborate fraud resulting in the loss of a substantial sum of monies.


The Police Service Scotland and our Bank are working closely with the club conducting a criminal investigation to pursue those individuals responsible.


At this point it is imperative that we remain calm and work together as we go through one of the most difficult situations we have faced as a club.


In the interim, the Directors intend to inject funds to meet the club’s ongoing obligations until the investigation is complete to ensure continuity.


It is our intention to host a media briefing to go into more detail when the initial legal and banking investigations reveal the facts. This will allow us to give full disclosure of the event.


No further comment will be made at this time as the Police investigation continues.


Les Gray




Not Rangers news as such but interesting for the larger group posters. It looks like this is not pennies and could put them in trouble.

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CYBER HEIST Hearts target of internet fraud after it’s revealed Hamilton Accies had fallen victim to financial sting


Hamilton Accies have "lost a substantial sum of monies" revealed to be up to £1 million, plunging them into a financial crisis



HEARTS confirm they’ve been the target of internet fraud after it was earlier revealed Hamilton Accies had fallen victim to a financial sting.


The South Lanarkshire side “lost a substantial sum of monies” revealed to be up to £1 million, plunging them into a financial crisis.


It’s now believed the Tynecastle side have been scammed out of cash in the region of £80,000.


The Edinburgh club said in a statement: “Heart of Midlothian can confirm it was the subject of an internet fraud earlier this year.


“The matter is now part of an active police investigation and therefore no further comment will be made.”


It was revealed earlier today on the Accies official website the club’s directors will inject funds to “meet their ongoing obligations.”


The statement read: “Hamilton Academical FC have been the target of an elaborate fraud resulting in the loss of a substantial sum of monies.


“The Police Service Scotland and our bank are working closely with the club conducting a criminal investigation to pursue those individuals responsible.


“At this point it is imperative that we remain calm and work together as we go through one of the most difficult situations we have faced as a club.


“In the interim, the directors intend to inject funds to meet the club’s ongoing obligations until the investigation is complete to ensure continuity.


The SPFL had previously warned clubs to guard against online fraud in August after Annan failed to receive an £18,000 payment from the league at the end of last season.

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I'm sure they will be demoted to the Third Division and given a transfer ban...


That is not even funny, for it ain't possible any longer. A) the upper-strata - money grabbing SPL-club-connection does no longer exist, while B) the SPL made sure that the SFL essentially "went out of business" through the former's heinous machinations and thus the "new" pyramid structure was created. Thus, if anything, Accies or any other club in trouble might be send a league down, not four.


While we all know this, IMHO it NEEDS to be pointed out that we weren't demoted or relegated to the fourth tier. It was the ony way open for us to continue playing, thanks to the way Scottish football was structured at the time. Something easily swept under the carpet.

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