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Anyone who expects Celtc FC to suffer in the press or forfeit titles because they knowingly re-employed a paedophile is, unfortunately, kidding themselves on.


I watched the film Spotlight and then checked if that repulsive abomination in Rome, the Vatican, still hoards priceless artefacts and immeasurable wealth...guess what, it does still exist. We don't live in a fair world and Celtc, like their mother church, are bloody good at corruption and cover-ups.


I don't think they'll forfeit titles but action will need to be taken if they've attempted any sort of cover up.

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I don't think they'll forfeit titles but action will need to be taken if they've attempted any sort of cover up.


What action? We are claiming the people that ran the club and the backing firm were the bad ones but when it comes to Celtic we want to claim it is the club that is wrong. surely we can't have it both ways. I can understand that people want Kelly done and maybe Stein shown up but action against the club is a dream as it won't happen.

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If they covered it up for sporting advantage the trophies must go. Weve already seen testimony that hibs did exactly that.


How can you prove it that they gained a sporting advantage?

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You only have to convince people they tried to.


Weve seen testimony hibs did exactly that. Though they won nothing. You would still expect mamouth punishments.


I hope Kelly and his cohorts are brought to justice for their part but I will be shocked if CFC get any punishment. I will also be honest that the people getting punished is more important to me than the club getting punished.

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How can you prove it that they gained a sporting advantage?


If a paedophile ring was operating within the club & they covered it up in order to prevent action being taken against the club then that is very serious indeed.


That action could have been in the form of the club being suspended or demoted or various other sanctions.


If Torbet, McCafferty etc are convicted then I believe the SFA would, as the governing body of Scottishfootball, need to investigate the club involved to determine whether it gained any sporting advantage were there a cover up.

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I hope Kelly and his cohorts are brought to justice for their part but I will be shocked if CFC get any punishment. I will also be honest that the people getting punished is more important to me than the club getting punished.
I dont want to live in a world where child safety being put behind club success isnt abhorant and punished massively.



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As part of the UK child abuse in football investigation I think that if any English Clubs are found to have tried to cover up anything the English FA will not hesitate to take action against them.


I'd like to think the SFA will do likewise to Scottish clubs.

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