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The Greatest Fans In The World Part 234353 - Belgium

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" A small group of Celtic fans have been involved in a street skirmish in Brussels that was captured on camera ahead of the big match tonight.

Around 3000 supporters spent the day drinking in the Belgian capital before heading to the stadium to watch the Champions League clash against Anderlecht.

The vast bulk of the travelling support were good natured as they soaked up the bevvy and the atmosphere, but some fans ended up in scuffles in the city centre.

Pictures from the scene show a melee amongst fans who had been boozing in the street but it is not clear if they clashed with rival fans or were fighting amongst themselves.

One picture shows Belgian police officers tending to an injured Hoops fan, while in the background officers have huckled another man.

Earlier in the day Hoops fans had been partying with Anderlecht punters, with many posing for pictures.

But they were warned by Belgian police not to travel to the Constant Stock Stadium unless they have a ticket. "


A small goup.

Vast majority were good natured.

Maybe fighting amongst themselves.


You get the picture. TOTALLY different from the Rangers fans in Manchester.

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