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Rangers 0 - 2 Celtic

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How are we fighting with one hand behind our back? If you take Celtic out of the equation then we have a far bigger budget than any other team. Where were Celtic when Rodgers took over? They just pipped Aberdeen to the title and lost to us in the Scottish cup. Everyone agreed they were crap. He only needed one window to turn things around and only bought a few players.

Herrera 2mill

Pena 2.8

Morelos 1mil( well worth it)


Ask Tommy Wright or Alan Archibald what he could do with that money. That one hand tied behind our back is a fallacy.


You are completely ignoring the fact that Celtic were "crap" under Deila because they had stopped playing for him.


Rodgers came in and they had to prove themselves again.

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You are completely ignoring the fact that Celtic were "crap" under Deila because they had stopped playing for him.


Rodgers came in and they had to prove themselves again.


I am not ignoring that Craig in fact it really was the point I was making in that it gives you an insight how much the manager is responsible for the form of the team. I think the same thing could be said about Ally to be honest if you make it easy for players they will take it easy.

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I think pedro is doing so. The board may well be behind the scenes. Its certainly important the fans do.


So we don’t know the board is doing anything at any level,we know Pedro is doing the tried and trusted selik dossier route,what next private detectives or tanning windaes, how exactly can fans address the again perceived situation, they don’t get listened to on anything else.

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I had the Motherwell-Aberdeen game on for 20 minutes or so today, and my words it's brutal! It's hit and rush football. There may be plenty of 'fight' in it, but that's what's wrong with Scottish football: too much emphasis placed on it; it's meaningless when we come up against any tactically proficient side.


Moult's good in the air, and lays the ball off nicely, but I don't know what else he'd bring to our side? Herrera and Morelos can both do that job very well. PC doesn't play with two out-and-out forwards anyway, so I'm not sure Moult would replace Morelos; a bit like Herrera now.


McLean is anonymous. And Walker -- to carry on with the golden trio that'll "improve" our squad -- is just a better Billy King; brings nothing to the game -- all his goals were penalties.


I'd take them all, to, at the very least, weaken our opponents, but for me they only add squad depth, they do not improve our squad by any great degree.


Our football has been terrific at times. It's just that mental toughness that's lacking -- and results... :D


I watch 30 minutes of the 2nd half and turned over to the Sheffield derby. The Well v Aberdeen game was absolute DROSS. Back to front, lump it as high and as hard as you can.


And every single player we see touted as strengthening us was also dross.


No thanks from me to either that style of football OR those players.

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So we don’t know the board is doing anything at any level,we know Pedro is doing the tried and trusted selik dossier route,what next private detectives or tanning windaes, how exactly can fans address the again perceived situation, they don’t get listened to on anything else.


So we just ignore it? We won't be tanning windows like you would suggest.

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So we don’t know the board is doing anything at any level,we know Pedro is doing the tried and trusted selik dossier route,what next private detectives or tanning windaes, how exactly can fans address the again perceived situation, they don’t get listened to on anything else.


Well, you want the board to do something, but don't come up with a reasonable answer? Or, indeed, accuse the board of doing nothing, even if you don't know?


Had you been checking the club's HP you would have known what the board has done over the months, most of it behind the scenes. I would hazard a guess that they were involved in giving the SPFL/SFA pelters regarding the EBT verdict and the fallout.


Perhaps we will adress this situation with someone at the SFA or any referee's union, but rest assured, we will do it in the right manner and not with public announcements like the Yahoos.

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Or maybe they do... but have returned to dignified silence


Dignified silence,we saw how that turned out before,a scary thought indeed.

However there is nothing dignified about our boards continued silence these days,more a sign of abject surrender and corporate weakness.

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Well, you want the board to do something, but don't come up with a reasonable answer? Or, indeed, accuse the board of doing nothing, even if you don't know?


Had you been checking the club's HP you would have known what the board has done over the months, most of it behind the scenes. I would hazard a guess that they were involved in giving the SPFL/SFA pelters regarding the EBT verdict and the fallout.


Perhaps we will adress this situation with someone at the SFA or any referee's union, but rest assured, we will do it in the right manner and not with public announcements like the Yahoos.


I never said I wanted the board to do anything,thanks.

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