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They will play 3 in MF. Jacks & Dorrans would get overrun in that formation.

And why play Dorrans defensive MF ?


The formation is only partially important though. It doesn't really matter how many they have in their midfield, it's about what those midfielders do when they are in possession. If one of them sits deeper (which is usually the case), then the central attacking mid can drop down and give us that cover. If one of them goes wider, one of our wider attacking mids can cover. For me the big difference I want to see is how quickly (and well) our midfielders (in particular) transition from having the ball to not having it, and vice versa. Pena made this change brilliantly and he will be a loss to us if not started. However, he will have to work harder to find that space to run at their goal so it'll be a real test if he does play. I'd expect us to be spending more time closing down space than creating it though, so perhaps that's why KM is preferred. There's no doubt he's better at that role, but he then leaves a lot to be desired when attacking. Decisions, decisions.

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But who would you play with Jack and Dorrans. Only Miller and Pena are available - both attacking midfielders??


LOL are you serious ? Miller a midfielder ?? He'a very mediocre striker at best.


He constantly gives the ball away when he tries to play in MF

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The formation is only partially important though. It doesn't really matter how many they have in their midfield, it's about what those midfielders do when they are in possession. If one of them sits deeper (which is usually the case), then the central attacking mid can drop down and give us that cover. If one of them goes wider, one of our wider attacking mids can cover. For me the big difference I want to see is how quickly (and well) our midfielders (in particular) transition from having the ball to not having it, and vice versa. Pena made this change brilliantly and he will be a loss to us if not started. However, he will have to work harder to find that space to run at their goal so it'll be a real test if he does play. I'd expect us to be spending more time closing down space than creating it though, so perhaps that's why KM is preferred. There's no doubt he's better at that role, but he then leaves a lot to be desired when attacking. Decisions, decisions.


Surely not someone else advocating playing Miller in MF on Saturday?

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Thank god Your not the manager!:nuts:


Miller will play, whether you like him or want him or not. If placed in the line-up I gave above, he'll be where he is mostly anyway, i.e. a free roving attacker. Perhaps you missed that I have Herrera as our main striker?


IMHO, our biggest chance to keep them at bay is keeping them busy in their own half.


As for Dorrans as DM besides Jack. That ain't a static role either. He is a physical player and can spot the game in front of him, spraying passes about and make forward runs too. I simply think we do need both Jack and Dorrans a bit deeper, so they can cover our full-backs and defence.

Edited by der Berliner
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Surely not someone else advocating playing Miller in MF on Saturday?


Did you read what I wrote? I said the only reason I'd expect Miller to be in there is if we expected to spend more time closing them down than creating things ourselves. I don't rate Miller, but I can understand why you'd play him in a closing down role. It's then a decision as to where best to deploy him. For the avoidance of doubt though, I'd rather we played the same structure and style as we did on Tuesday, but it takes a very brave (or stupid) manager to risk that after just one test.

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LOL are you serious ? Miller a midfielder ?? He'a very mediocre striker at best.


He constantly gives the ball away when he tries to play in MF


I don't think it matters where he plays, he gives the ball away constantly anyway :D


He reminds me a bit of Carson Palmer - 2nd touch is a tackle.


It absolutely amazes me how well regarded Miller is amongst his professionals - because if my U13's here in Bermuda had a 1st touch like Miller's they would be spending 6 months working on nothing but their 1st touch.

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Miller will play, whether you like him or want him or not. If placed in the line-up I gave above, he'll be where he is mostly anyway, i.e. a free roving attacker. Perhaps you missed that I have Herrera as our main striker?


IMHO, our biggest chance to keep them at bay is keeping them busy in their own half.


As for Dorrans as DM besides Jack. That ain't a static role either. He is a physical player and can spot the game in front of him, spraying passes about and make forward runs too. I simply think we do need both Jack and Dorrans a bit deeper, so they can cover our full-backs and defence.


Yep, great idea dB. Take the guy that has scored a bag full of goals for us already this season... and remove him from where he is at his best, to replace him with a guy who has scored twice for us this season. I simply cannot see the logic of putting Morelos anywhere other than where he has been at his most effective. It makes absolutely zero sense (to me) to put him on the left side of an attacking midfield. He is removed from being the focal point of attack (not a good decision) and he wouldn't be as effective because he would also be expected to help defensively, pushing him even further away from the opposing goal.


You have completely lost me here.

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Jimmy Millar switched from striker to midfield, Kenny Miller should not. Either play KM in his correct position or play a midfielder in midfield. Simples.


Hopefully you are right but Miller will definitely play and I don't think we will play with two up front

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