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Alves and John injuries

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Yep, great idea dB. Take the guy that has scored a bag full of goals for us already this season... and remove him from where he is at his best, to replace him with a guy who has scored twice for us this season. I simply cannot see the logic of putting Morelos anywhere other than where he has been at his most effective. It makes absolutely zero sense (to me) to put him on the left side of an attacking midfield. He is removed from being the focal point of attack (not a good decision) and he wouldn't be as effective because he would also be expected to help defensively, pushing him even further away from the opposing goal.


You have completely lost me here.


I really cannot fathom your lack of imagination. I actually spelled it out for you. In short again, we'll have a 4-man defence with a DM and someone who will assist him there, losely. We need more cover there, given the danger that Roberts and Sinclair pose. Still Dorrans has enough freedom to step further forward.


Then we have essentially a four-man attacking block. Both Morelos and Miller move about quite a bit, as you have seen these last few games. So they can actually interchange. Candeias usually keeps the right flank as his main area of operation. His flanks need converters ... and here Herrera (who will keep the Scum defence busy) will be more centrally, Miller can come in from essentially a shadow striker position and further afield Morelos lies in wait. What Morelos needs on occasion is a central striker next to him to lay off the balls that are aimed at him from the back. We saw what happened against Thistle when we reverted to long balls in the 2nd half: they were returned instantly, as we had no real target man (and Morelos as knackered). Having a striker near to either Morelos and Miller will sure be beneficial ... and Herrera's impact on Tuesday was significant.


Likewise, Morelos has the pace and power to help the left side better than Windass would, and he carries a greater goal threat. Reading your comments makes you think he'd be given orders to stay there and keep his position. That's rubbish, not least in this modern, rather dynamic game. Speaking of dynamics, if it suits you better, you could very well turn my formation above to a 4-4-2, with Morelos and Herrera up front, Miller on the left and Candeias on the right.

Edited by der Berliner
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Has there been any updates regarding Alves and John's injuries? I see from today's training pics a few youngsters were involved,the pics didn't show the main players just the ones who didn't play the full game on Tuesday, Pedro possibly keeping his cards close to his chsst?

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According to Twitter Alves will not be in Glasgow on Saturday seeing a specialist McCrorie and Cardoso will be CB pairing, sure Ross will be solid


Full confidence in the young guy. Hopefully Cordoso will also play like he did when McCrorie came on.

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As for Morelos ... I'd chuck him to the left of an attacking three, with Miller in the middle, Candeias on the right and Herrera up front on his own.


This is exactly what we have gotten mad about for years when managers have put performing players out of position. Why on earth would we move our biggest goal threat out of position?


Crazy suggestion!

Edited by Gribz
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Has it been confirmed that Alves is out? Could it be an operation Tango, where the Mhankies are lead to believe that he will not be playing? I think that McCrorie is a totally different proposition to Beerman, but throwing a young man into an old firm atmosphere is sink or swim. Let's hope he is a Michael Phelps!


PS. TB, I had heard previously that Wilson was injured but no idea if he has recovered or not. No matter, I think he will have dropped down the pecking order behind McCrorie and for the benefit of his own career, probably best for him to move on.

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This is exactly what we have gotten mad about for years when managers have put performing players out of position. Why on earth would we move our biggest goal threat out of position?


Crazy suggestion!


He can and has played on either wing and will move into goalscoring positions nonetheless. Herrera is an out and out central striker and we sure need someone we can hit balls up, someone with the ability to keep it and lay it of to the attacking folk about him, namely Candeias (see Tueday), Miller and Morelos. They will all (bar Candeias) interchange positions anyway, as is the norm for a modern game. I'd rather have Miller (who will play, no matter what), Morelos and Herrera out there tomorrow, than Windass somewhere on the left or as secondary striker*.


*Well, he'll probably score two goals tomorrow, now that I have written that.

Edited by der Berliner
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