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The Rangers Observer - Lawwell wrote to SFA in July demanding further action against

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He'd better be right about that, because if a few clubs break ranks and say they want one too he's in trouble.


Thta's assuming he said it, which given the source is far from certain. It actually reads very much like a false flag to smoke out support for what is plainly the BBC's preferred outcome.


I find it hard to get excited about this. From my cynical stand point I think Lawwell is making noise for effect, he must already know he doesn't have support of the other teams in Scotland, and that the SFA don't intend to create another investigation. In which case this is all about playing to the gallery, that fairly large section of his club's own support so warped by hatred. This way he keeps the unhinged sevcopaths onboard while nothing actually happens. It's a dangerous game and one I'd hoped the people at the top of our game might be above playing, but I shouldn't be that surprised they aren't.


Ironically I'd love to know how the SFA and the SPFL are going to ensure nothing like what happened to Rangers can ever happen again. We should all be demanding lessons are learned and rules are put in place, but I remain sceptical clubs will ever agree to that.


There are some suggestions it wasn't Celtic that leaked all this crap and Lawwell isn't best pleased to have to react to it.


As much as Regan still looks weak, Lawwell's own lies haven't helped his position much either.


As usual it's very much a mess and only one club gains out of all this.

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It's still not clear to me what the scope and terms of reference for a review would be and what are good outcomes for Scottish football. It's all very vague other than a clear attempt at yet more Rangers bashing. If it wasn't for the Res 11 people (who are out and out haters) Lawell wouldn't have gone near this. You then see 70% of Aberdeens 'biggest' supporters group want one and you learn after some research that that is 1400 fans (from the supporters base which hates us as much as Celtic). You hear so much from journalists and others who haven't grasped some of the basics about tax legality and the court of session or how as just one example Nimmo Smith and 2 QCs explicitly confirmed that we are the same club by interpreting SFA and SPL rules simply either because it's not what they want to hear or they don't have the brains to understand it or are too lazy to research it. Words and sentences are misquoted and misrepresented so why would we have faith that journalists and fans wouldn't do the same to yet another set of statements in a report?There has been so much water under the bridge and so much complexity that if it is if wider scope then it will be expensive, time consuming and divisive at a time when our actual game (the thing we are supposed to be worried about) is the laughing stock of Europe at club level and a catalogue of failure at international level.


The SFA should have acted when the EBTs first appeared openly on our balance sheet but didn't. That was 20 years ago when they were a widespread tax avoidance tool. If the scope is wider then how wide? Can we look at Romanov, other potential criminal activity or disreputable behaviour or is it just anything to do with Rangers?


Surely what would satisfy normal people would be if the SFA listed what they thought they did wrong and how they have changed their policies, processes and operating model and how they would deal with it next time. Present that ti the SPFL Board and seek feedback and agree any amendments for the good of Scottish football and publish it. The reason they (Celtic) are not wanting anything other than a full independent inquiry is because they want to further debilitate Rangers with the SFA quite frankly considered as collateral damage.


To what end are Celtic trying to get to wanting a full independent inquiry re 2011 licence when it is something that can be done fairly simply and UEFA have already said the subsequent liquidation events render it irrelevant? No club can gain financial compensation other than from Oldco. If the scope is much wider how do you incorporate all the statements in various legal cases, all the opinions in previous independent inquiries such as LNS and all the learned judgements that firstly said EBTs were legal (twice) then said they weren't (twice) and incorporate all of that into the context at the time the EBTs were used and the judgements made, in a manner that is not going to consume Scottish football even more? How do you reassess punishments (and that will soon be the next part of the farce and clamour) already given against punishments they would like to give (but have no legal basis to do so). It's ridiculous and serves no good purpose and will have no good outcome. Why doesn't the SPFL if it wants transparency, firstly get an independent review of itself as they signed off the 5 way agreement (under SPL)? If they want transparency then have an open vote on who wants an independent inquiry and who doesn't and publish the result.


The more you think about it the more stupid it is. Any grown up football country would have moved on but for us it's all tied up in a kind of existential hatred mainly from Celtic. Some may have wanted more punishments, some may have wanted our extinction but no one can reasonably argue we have not been substantially punished already. And by the way the punishment has been for our fans. The ****s have mostly walked away with satchels of loot.


The first thing our board needs to do apart from anything else is return Celtics Old Firm ticket allocation and stick them in the corner and make it clear that until Celtic adopt a more conciliatory approach their fans are not welcome in our stadium. In fact the police should now insist on no away fans st either venue. I've never known such a level of hatred between the clubs and thats saying something.

Edited by Walterbear
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If it is the SFA need to act. This club & it's chief exec are now totally out of control


They need to effectively shut them up ... as much as is possible, how many languages do they need to say it in .. Japanese for slanty eyes, the fat Jap? There is no doubt relations between the Old Firm are at an all time low and it's all that reptile's doing.

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They need to effectively shut them up ... as much as is possible, how many languages do they need to say it in .. Japanese for slanty eyes, the fat Jap? There is no doubt relations between the Old Firm are at an all time low and it's all that reptile's doing.


I've never know them to be ever on a high, tippy toe around each other? yes maybe but never ever any higher than low.

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They need to effectively shut them up ... as much as is possible, how many languages do they need to say it in .. Japanese for slanty eyes, the fat Jap? There is no doubt relations between the Old Firm are at an all time low and it's all that reptile's doing.


At the very least I'd expect an unreserved apology from Liewell.

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At the very least I'd expect an unreserved apology from Liewell.


Liewell is another one who seems delusional. What I mean by that is that I believe he has began to believe the twisted hordes of the underworld. There is no chance of an apology (made me laugh at the suggestion though) and he will continue his attempts to cripple us in whatever way he can.


Let's hope all the other clubs are beginning to see through him as they deal with them regularly. He is so far in the delusion now he has no way out.

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