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Club1872 and safe standing

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I was at Dortmund but I can't remember seeing a seat and there were certainly more people per seat if there was one. maybe it was meant to be that but it certainly wasn't. I know there is a lot of dodging the turnstile there though.
You get 1.5 people per replaced seat.



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I was at Dortmund but I can't remember seeing a seat and there were certainly more people per seat if there was one. maybe it was meant to be that but it certainly wasn't. I know there is a lot of dodging the turnstile there though.


The bottom half of the stand at Dortmund is a traditional old fashioned terrace that gets converted to seating for European games. Only the top part of the stand is rail seating.


Such a set up at Ibrox is simply not feasible as it would require the entire area being given over to safe standing to be rebuilt to a two step set up, something those advocating safe standing either don't realise or choose to ignore. That is why there is an increase in capacity in German stadiums. Converting the Copland front as it is would if anything lead to a reduction in capacity not an increase.







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So you want to sit, so everyone else has to sit?


I really don't get why anyone would be against this. I much prefer standing at a match - loved some of the lower league games, as it felt like the old days and was generally more fun. I understand people don't want to stand but why impose that on everyone (particularly when over 50 RSCs have backed safe standing)?


And I never wanted all-seater stadiums, so it has nothing to do with what goes on at the Piggery.

Any recent old firm I've beem to no one sits down anyway. Same can be said for recent visit to Sheffield. Couldnt give a shit. My 11yr old son wouldn't stand up the whole time anyway. Funny how it was never an issue till they had it then eh?

Still don't see how you Think it would bring more young people and there friends in, lat I checked we sold 40k+ season books anyway hardly struggling To get a crowd



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There's a wee bit more freedom to stand where you want in standing sections. Younger people seem to prefer standing and when you get a bit older you prefer to have a seat. I'm thinking of the future and the younger lads who go on my bus would all absolutely love a safe standing section.


If you want to sit, there'll still be around 45k seats to choose from. A standing section will only hold 2-5k, so you can even sit far away from them is the noise is too stressful.


It's important we try to improve the atmosphere at Ibrox because it is like a library these days and several thousand yahoos turn up twice a season and have a party with most of us sitting on our hands. Not good enough.

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The bottom half of the stand at Dortmund is a traditional old fashioned terrace that gets converted to seating for European games. Only the top part of the stand is rail seating.


Such a set up at Ibrox is simply not feasible as it would require the entire area being given over to safe standing to be rebuilt to a two step set up, something those advocating safe standing either don't realise or choose to ignore. That is why there is an increase in capacity in German stadiums. Converting the Copland front as it is would if anything lead to a reduction in capacity not an increase.








That would explain it mate I was right down at the bottom of it and it was just packed in. I had the choice in other occasions but chose to go to the seating even although all my mates\colleagues went to the standing area. Even although they had seating tickets they just jump the turnstile when the steward is otherwise occupied. that was the other reason I preferred just to go to my seat.

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It's important we try to improve the atmosphere at Ibrox because it is like a library these days and several thousand yahoos turn up twice a season and have a party with most of us sitting on our hands. Not good enough.


Ridiculous comment! What are you getting at?

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It is a heck of a lot safer in a safe standing area than it is standing when there is seats there.

Who has not had legs black and blue from the seats at away venues at some point? Folk jumping all over you and then crashing into seats in front of you etc.


I read FS point so logistically I don't have the facts on how practical it is? If we have over 50 RSC in favour and club 1872 support it, then they pay their money like everyone else. If they would be happy with £20 or so on an ST and it's practical then great. Additionally GS was reinforcing Pete's point re 1.5 per seat therefore revenue would be increased.

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