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Hearts Admin Part 1: Vlad, SPL & Media kept Schtum.

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Creditors stiffed out of £27.5m, £28.4m owed. Budge gets control for*£2.5m.


As Scotland heads back to Lithuania today Friday, 1st September 2017, for a World Cup Qualifier the talk of Lithuania it must brings back memories of when Hearts was controlled by Vladimir Romanov, pictured above, via his Lithuanian companies which had propped up Hearts for many years before the company, Heart of Midlothian Plc (‘HoM’) went into administration on 19 June 2013.



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The way the SPL did everything they could to help hertz but did everything they could to punish us should never be forgotten by our supporters


This has damaged me as a football fan, but strengthened me as a Rangers fan!, they can all go and take a flying feck to themselves!

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