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We don't want them to become our club's equivalent of the Vile Brigade, however keep up the 'football' displays and the constant racket, but change the song sheet back to our rich list of golden oldies. Blue blue seas of Ibrox, Follow follow, every other Saturday och you know the ones?


The thing that annoys me most is we have one of the great football songs in Follow Follow and it has been reduced to a mumble. New words which alter the tempo, sung to quickly, sung to high. It just fades away ever time.

I doubt if the under 40's actually know the original words & tune?

Edited by BEARGER
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Not averse to safe standing in principle but it should be lower in the list of priorities than improving the inadequate disabled facilities.


How are Rangers doing on the disabled facilities. FS. Are they working on it or has it been parked in jobs to do.

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How are Rangers doing on the disabled facilities. FS. Are they working on it or has it been parked in jobs to do.


Every time we think we're making progress a boot in the baws comes out of nowhere, many issues are being addressed but these are ones that have little or no cost. The simple fact is at some point substantial financial investment will have to be made, but practically every department is fighting for a share of a limited pot, we may end up with some crumbs if we're lucky :(

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Every time we think we're making progress a boot in the baws comes out of nowhere, many issues are being addressed but these are ones that have little or no cost. The simple fact is at some point substantial financial investment will have to be made, but practically every department is fighting for a share of a limited pot, we may end up with some crumbs if we're lucky :(


Are they not covered by law to make everything accessible for disabled people.

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Speaking purely as an old guy, they annoy me.

They do their best to create an atmosphere. Unfortunately their atmosphere just annoys me.

Sing the old songs. There are plenty of them.

Instead we get Brown Girl In The Ring fecking ANNOYING garbage that lasts for half an hour at a time.

I know a few of the lads. They drink in my local. They are fecking annoying there too.

Ignore me youngsters. Keep doing what you're doing. It annoys me but I'd rather have that than the tut-tut mob around me in the main stand.

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Are they not covered by law to make everything accessible for disabled people.


In theory they have to make "reasonable adjustment", but there is no definition of "reasonable adjustment" as such. Don't get me wrong as there are good people within the Club pushing for improvements and the general attitude changed when the regime changed but there's still a long, long road to travel.


There was a law going through the House of Lords prior to the last election regarding Sports Grounds and disabled access its unclear whether that will be brought up again.


There is also the UEFA best practice guide "Access for All" which at present is a guide but will come into force at some point. UEFA talk a great game in regards to disabled facilities and to be fair some of the improvements seen in Eastern Europe in particular are to be commended however they're fully aware of the short comings of clubs like Barcelona who's facilities are utterly woeful.


The driving force behind the improvements are the English but even then it took the threat of commercial action to get the Premier League clubs to comply.

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I worry that 'safe standing' is an oxymoron. Safe standing requires the club, the police and the local council to do their jobs, professionally, diligently and consistently. I have no faith in two if those organisations and some doubts on the third.


Read the Hillsborough Report, the Leppings Lane was 'safe' as long as it was properly policed, it wasn't. You don't have to look far at Ibrox to see the consequences of what can happen when football supporters are at best taken for granted and at worst viewed as no better than cattle. I've heard the arguments, I know it works in Germany, but we're not living in Germany.

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In Support Of The Union Bears


Written by: Mr T Wood


Wednesday, 16th August 2017


The recent statement from the Union Bears regards the breakdown of communication with those in the club in relation to the implementation of safe standing at Ibrox gives plenty food for thought.



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