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Pedro redeemed?

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First game I've seen since Luxembourg and still am bemused by PC selection, tactics, and subs.


I remain convinced he won't see his first anniversary.


The more I see of his signings, Cardoso, Candieas, Pena, etc the more I think we have just replaced diddies with eh diddies. Add to that he continues to have faith in last years failures - Wes, Tav, Hodson, Windass, MILLER, I see some progress but I believe we are in the wrong hands.


I was still roaring us on into injury time today when more than half the crowd has long gone and I will continue to do so but I really fear for us under PC.


Hard to know what to think of this result with regard to the manager's position.


What did you think was wrong with the selection today?

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First game I've seen since Luxembourg and still am bemused by PC selection, tactics, and subs.


I remain convinced he won't see his first anniversary.


The more I see of his signings, Cardoso, Candieas, Pena, etc the more I think we have just replaced diddies with eh diddies. Add to that he continues to have faith in last years failures - Wes, Tav, Hodson, Windass, MILLER, I see some progress but I believe we are in the wrong hands.


I was still roaring us on into injury time today when more than half the crowd has long gone and I will continue to do so but I really fear for us under PC.


It's all your fault then TB. We've found the jinx - You ;-)


Maybe just stay away from a few games to test the theory will you?

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First game I've seen since Luxembourg and still am bemused by PC selection, tactics, and subs.


I remain convinced he won't see his first anniversary.


The more I see of his signings, Cardoso, Candieas, Pena, etc the more I think we have just replaced diddies with eh diddies. Add to that he continues to have faith in last years failures - Wes, Tav, Hodson, Windass, MILLER, I see some progress but I believe we are in the wrong hands.


I was still roaring us on into injury time today when more than half the crowd has long gone and I will continue to do so but I really fear for us under PC.


One simply has to love the almost bipolar views of football fans on the same matter.

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This wasn't a defeat this was a travesty. Daylight robbery in front of tens of thousands of witnesses. We were far and away the better side until that ref destroyed our game plan while reducing our numbers. The result is not the managers doing. If I were them I would have been embarrassed to win by an odd goal after that and certainly wouldn't think it anything to crow about.


And, as I previously mentioned the detachment from reality amongst these cretins is beyond belief as is perfectly illustrated by a post I pulled from a hubz forum when Beaton was named as the ref.


Beaten by Beaton would be my first thought. However, although I don't think for one minute he will be impartial, we can do this. Just mind & keep the heid because he'll be trying to even up the sides by sending off two of our players.


How in the world could any rational person say such a thing about this referee in particular?


And to top it off on that same forum before the draw for the next round of the league cup they were predicting that we would get another "easy home tie" then when it transpired that we were drawn away and they got the easiest possible home tie in the draw it's still not good enough to drop their baseless conspiracies. We were still drawn in Glasgow they said.

Edited by JFK-1
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First game I've seen since Luxembourg and still am bemused by PC selection, tactics, and subs.


I remain convinced he won't see his first anniversary.


The more I see of his signings, Cardoso, Candieas, Pena, etc the more I think we have just replaced diddies with eh diddies. Add to that he continues to have faith in last years failures - Wes, Tav, Hodson, Windass, MILLER, I see some progress but I believe we are in the wrong hands.


I was still roaring us on into injury time today when more than half the crowd has long gone and I will continue to do so but I really fear for us under PC.


Not sure you can include Pena in that assessment as he has hardly seen playing time. Candeias didn't have a great game today along with Cardoso but a handful of games is hardly the time to make decisions on the quality available to him.

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