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Record Apologise to Linfield.

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Apology received from newspaper

Posted : 3rd August 2017 at 23:58:35

Linfield supporters will recall a previous statement from this club in connection with an interview with former Scottish footballer Joe Miller which was published in the Daily Record newspaper on June 24.


Our supporters will be interested and pleased to learn that this club has since received a letter of apology on behalf of the Daily Record "for any upset caused by the original article."

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Not Rangers news as such but just another reason not to buy, click, share or follow.


They know exactly what they are doing and were prepared for the apology anyway. Along with the BBC and other tabloids they continue there poisonous propaganda.

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I've always thought, the best way to start dealing with this kind of thing, is when a newspaper has to issue an apology, they should be forced to publish the apology in the same location and the same size as the original 'fakenews' piece.. So if they want to make the whole back page a story that they eventually have to retract or apoloigise for, then they would need to make the apology take up the whole back page..


That, to me, would make a lot of msm at least a little more careful about what they are publishing.....

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I've always thought, the best way to start dealing with this kind of thing, is when a newspaper has to issue an apology, they should be forced to publish the apology in the same location and the same size as the original 'fakenews' piece.. So if they want to make the whole back page a story that they eventually have to retract or apoloigise for, then they would need to make the apology take up the whole back page..


That, to me, would make a lot of msm at least a little more careful about what they are publishing.....


It's FAR too easy for papers to print a sensationalised story (that they probably know has either dubious or wrong content), then to publish a tiny wee apology somewhere buried deep in the pages, so that very few see it.

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