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Clubs fell into the Celtic blabber trap once and it nearly ruined Scottish football. I doubt they will do it again. After Wednesday this is a goner.


It'll be mentioned and cast up to us forever. If we keep the titles, club programmes will be printed with fake record totals in them - in the same manner they kept printing "new club", "first visit" etc. It'll never end.

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It'll be mentioned and cast up to us forever. If we keep the titles, club programmes will be printed with fake record totals in them - in the same manner they kept printing "new club", "first visit" etc. It'll never end.


The wolves will be in a state of permanent confusion? Deluded moonhowlers wander the streets looking for Rangers fans to seek revenge upon!

Ear plugs before bedtime again.......

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Maybe we wait another 24 hours and see what the SPFL has to say. As for Mad Joe ... that he is still doing what he does for Scum FC and their "supporters' trust" is telling you a lot of the bigotted, sectarian and rather limited minds at work there. If they go on after Wednesday and trying to stir up shyte (assuming nothing happens), they will most likely go down the road of Ill Phil, even though we might not see it for half a generation or so.

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"The Eyes of Scottish Football is watching " = Two errors in a mere seven words, is it time to blame the schools again?


A wise man once said to me, “Your only beat when you quit trying” well I’m not of a mind to quit just now.


This is the second official statement I've seen in as many days from this guy... 'General Secretary'? I read up to eight words at the beginning of it and that was more than enough for me. It is littered, literally, with schoolboy errors ranging from the classic grammar to glaring spelling mistakes. Grammatical errors one could permit some leeway but what chance has Sherlock O'Rourke here got of spotting/identifying anything untoward if he cant even spot that that is not the correct usage of the word 'Your' in the very first sentence?


I once heard a wise man say to another.... Gee it a rest son!

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