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Rangers are Disappointing Me - and I want us to be better

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I read this 'blog'.


The timing interests me: it appears two days after the Linfield match at the piggery, when typically the club, and the police authority, indulged, if not encouraged, the usual terrorist tableau; it appears as the Green Brigade, atypically, receives criticism, and releases a typically self important, self obsessed, self pleasuring, and, in fact, self incriminating piece of bilge masquerading as a self justification.

But hey, says our new friend, Mr RiverBear 7, or Mr riverstv, as his blog styles him, we are just as bad. In fact, we are worse, and, the Club is not only complicit, a silent partner, but explicitly has promoted, and continues to promote, a culture of xenophobia and sectarianism, and any other unacceptable 'ism' that one might care to throw in.


Oh, and he chucks some dog whistle anti semitism into the mix, while he is at it, as one might expect.


A false flag operation? I leave others to judge.

Edited by Uilleam
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I read this 'blog'.


The timing interests me: it appears two days after the Linfield match at the piggery, when typically the club, and the police authority, indulged, if not encouraged, the usual terrorist tableau; it appears as the Green Brigade, atypically, receives criticism, and releases a typically self important, self obsessed, self pleasuring, and, in fact, self incriminating piece of bilge masquerading as a self justification.

But hey, says our new friend, Mr RiverBear 7, or Mr riverstv, as his blog styles him, we are just as bad. In fact, we are worse, and, the Club is not only complicit, a silent partner, but explicitly has promoted, and continues to promote, a culture of xenophobia and sectarianism, and any other unacceptable 'ism' that one might care to throw in.


Oh, and he chucks some dog whistle anti semitism into the mix, while he is at it, as one might expect.


A false flag operation? I leave others to judge.


Sounds like Graham Spiers.

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PS: As for the whinging posts regarding the administration staff: none of us have alarms which go off at 1am on a Monday morning regarding dubious posts on an internet forum.


Ha ha! Why not? This is the unacceptable! I thought bayou would have a PA for this Frankie?

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"The Le Guen years" - more like the Le Guen six months.


He uses the term "progressive" in the same way as the SNP in that if you believe what I do then you're "progressive" and if you don't, you're not. There's an arrogant "I know better than you" attitude whenever the phrase is used.


"there’s nothing inherently wrong with support for the Union" - why use the word "inherently" unless you feel that there is something wrong with supporting it? You're showing intolerance with that phrase as you are with your description of "loyalism". As FS says, you're doing what you accuse Rangers fans of doing.


"would love to see the club return to that 2012-2016 spirit" - much of the football was crap and there was no spirit for much of the period due to the charlatans in charge of the club.


You also need to cut out the excessive use of unneeded apostrophes and get the spelling of Rangers legends' names right. I blame the schools!

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