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I seen another article today which talks about the Groin Brigade "besmirching the good name of Celtic fans ". This myth that they are all jolly craicsters is so far from the truth it's unreal. Any decent journo would be highlighting the hypocrisy of the club actually failing to denounce the fans for the banners and the fact that there are multiple videos of the vast majority in the stadium taking part in an IRA love-in via a horrendous song-book. I always question myself; why is this any different to a crowd singing pro-ISIS songs? The IRA have killed more on our soil than them yet it is somehow deemed not newsworthy that a mass gathering of around 50k are blatantly singing the praises of a group of scumbags who are murdering our own citizens?

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Will songs now be banned by uefa. Ira ones


Aren't they already banned ? If so has to be enforced.


Questions need to be asked about Plod Scotland's approach to policing home games at CP. They seem to turn a blind eye to just about everything

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They have shut the standing area for two games not banned the fans that lot of scum will still be at the games.

Heard rumour the green brigade have a space allocated within the stadium where they make these banners up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aren't they already banned ? If so has to be enforced.


Questions need to be asked about Plod Scotland's approach to policing home games at CP. They seem to turn a blind eye to just about everything


They should not only be banned by UEFA, they are actually illegal as it is a mass voice of support to a terrorist organisation. A fact that police Scotland conveniently ignore.

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