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Rangers v St Johnstone friendly - 3pm today

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I would say we have the right centre backs for it. There is two ways of playing a back 3. You have the 3 central defenders just doing what they know or you play a 2 like a normal system then the sweeper inbetween who goes behind and infront. Almost the opposite of a free role striker. But the 3 definitely must know what their roles are. Im sure Alves, Wilson and Cardoso could play as a 3.


I dont even think Wallace and Tav need to be the wing backs, maybe just one and when defending he makes up a 4th defender plus we would have a holding midfielder back there. Wallace for me has been poor of late and he wouldnt make my starting XI at the moment.


Could work, but I do think you need the wide CBs to be comfortable playing wide, almost as full-backs, with a bit of pace; Cardoso is the only one I see being able to do that, and that's only with a few games played. I think Wallace played LCB at one stage: that could be better, for me, than Bates or WIlson?

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This just highlights what a shambles we have as a board ' when one director can call the shots and because he has an ex player who's now an agent who is basically doing everything , God knows what our new Dof F will make of this when he starts

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Kranjcar wasn't screaming at PC, he was screaming at the ref after a pretty bad challenge on him by one of the opposition players; studs up kind of thing.


I wish people would stop making pish up to suite their agenda. FFS. (Not having a go at FS.)


AFAIK that was a separate incident though I'll quite happily be corrected.


Kranjcar was named on the FF thread, fingers also being pointed in the direction of Miller and Wallace as being among malcontents regarding the manager.


Thought it telling that Rossiter was dispensed to face the cameras after the Progres debacle when at the very least it should have been a senior player and probably the captain.

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While I am convinced Pedro is a dud and will be a total liability until moving on before Xmas, the result of a closed door bounce game doesn't bother me one iota. It's about getting match fitness towards the first league game, nothing else matters.


You have to remember we wouldnt be playing this game if he managed to steer us past Luxembourgs 4th best part time team. He dragged the players back after 10-14 days holiday to start fitness, id say the players are probably fit but have no clue to the system.

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56 posts on this thread, how many posters have actually watched this friendly before forming an opinion ?


Curious .........


Point being what though? I dont see any knee jerk reactions. This is building up.


Pedro has to turn things around straight away end of.

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I'm watching now - and so far I'm not seeing anything too worrying.


Not directing this to you but my standards are that a Rangers side should walk away with 4-0 scoreline in games like this.

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