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Beeb Scotland on Saturday.

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Beeb Scotland's HQ, Pacific Quay is most appropriately located. The muddy streams of anti-Rangers sentiment seamlessly provides a current of impetus to the steady flow of Rangers hatred. Those muddy streams emanate from the deluge fonts of current affairs, politics, sports, and comedy shows. It is unfettered by any of those shows' Hosts providing a barrier of objectivity. A child in Rangers favours, standing armed with a paper cup before the deluge would be too much mitigation.


Thus, we had Jum Spence running off about, 'the proceeds of crime'. Now, Jum has told us often enough that he lectured in the Law at some Tayside Technical College. He should know EBTs were NOT illegal, thus no crime, and no need for the lucid tales of yachts, holiday homes, and sports cars being impounded. Unsurprisingly, no one at PQ thought to remind Jum. Then, we had Hugh MacDonald supporting title stripping because the side letters were not registered. I thought Rangers had paid a £250,000 fine on that very charge. Maybe Hugh should consult Jum on double punishment?


Chris McLaughlin opened the lock gates on title stripping even further. He appeared for twenty minutes to provide a synopsis of the big tax case, then announced he had contacted all the prominent Scottish clubs to poll their take on title stripping. One club wanted titles to be removed, two didn't, five provided no reaction, and three failed to respond. Chris, then laid out the timetable of SFA and SPFL meetings in the next month, and was of the opinion that once supporters of these clubs contacted their respect club boards, then pressure would tell. The precedent of five years past was being flagged with gusto.


Of course, no one mentioned Dermot Desmond owning 33.3% of a Latvian bank utilised for money laundering. French courts want the bank President jailed for 5 years, and a fine of £70million imposed. Well, it could be said that Dermot only owns a third of the bank's equity. However, Dermot only owns 29.9% of ra Sellik, and the hail hailers chorus he is the main man, taking all the big decisions. Now, and I am just inquiring; would Dermot's ability to lure Brendan to Sellik Park be enhanced by being a significant partner in a Latvian bank? Would Chris consider a poll of clubs in this regard? In terms of manufacturing news as opposed to reporting news, it is very much the same principle Chris.


Finally, it's dear old Cossie(his nickname is being used far more often these days in the PQ gang hut). Gernetters may be aware of the story of a dying Twente Enschede fan? A decade past, Rangers and Stranraer fan, James McKie was friendly with a terminally ill Dutch fan, Dennis Van Unen. His bucket list included a wish to see an old firm game. In conjunction with a fellow Stranraer and Celtic supporter, James Hilton; Dennis attended said match, and received tours of Ibrox, Hampden, and Celtic Park. His wish to view Twente playing Stranraer was realised, and both messers McKie and Hilton thought the game taking place on the tenth anniversary of Dennis's passing was appropriate and a chance to raise awareness of skin cancer. Twente agreed, brought over a full team, and several hundred fans to Stair Park on Saturday. It resulted in a 0-5 drubbing for the home team, but everyone had a good day, bathed in warm memories of deceased Dutch supporter.


On Saturday evenings, On/Off the Ball always has nominations for team of the day. Hugh MacDonald mentioned a few including his beloved Selliks 9-zip victory over Shamrock Rovers in Dublin. Cosgrove nominated Accies youths winning the Oban Saints tourney for the second successive year. Chic Young nominated Twente Enschede for the above reasons, and Hugh MacDonald changed his to Twente too. Cosgrove then uttered, "call me an utter cynic, what you are saying is a dying Dutchman wants to watch bigotry". I think Twente Enschede should be informed of Cosgrove's crass, insensitive, and spiteful comments.


Those comments are down there with his action in hosting fellow Channel 4 employee, Alex Thomson reference his tweet depicting John Greig's statue walking away. Sixty-six folks, including schoolchildren had their very breath crushed from their bodies, and Cosgrove was allowed to utilise 30 minutes of license fee payers broadcast time, protecting a commercial asset. Jokes and laughs supporting Thomson's supposed ignorance of the Ibrox Disaster. In his next two commentaries on Rangers, Thomson referred to Bears as, "Daleks". Just like after last year's Scottish Cup final when Cosgrove thought reports of Rangers players being assaulted on the pitch, were massive over-hypes. He should offer a public apology to all those involved in the Stranraer/Twente game.

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Of course, no one mentioned Dermot Desmond owning 33.3% of a Latvian bank utilised for money laundering. French courts want the bank President jailed for 5 years, and a fine of £70million imposed. Well, it could be said that Dermot only owns a third of the bank's equity. However, Dermot only owns 29.9% of ra Sellik, and the hail hailers chorus he is the main man, taking all the big decisions. Now, and I am just inquiring; would Dermot's ability to lure Brendan to Sellik Park be enhanced by being a significant partner in a Latvian bank? Would Chris consider a poll of clubs in this regard? In terms of manufacturing news as opposed to reporting news, it is very much the same principle Chris.



Desmond owns over 40% of Celtic, he was granted a Rule 9 waiver.





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Desmond owns 39.62% of Rietumu Bank through Boswell (International) Consulting Limited not 31%


http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=316421253 … …


July 11, 2017 2:10 PM ET

Company Overview of Boswell (International) Consulting Limited




Company Overview



Key Executives For Boswell (International) Consulting Limited

Boswell (International) Consulting Limited does not have any Key Executives recorded.


Boswell (International) Consulting Limited Key Developments

Esterkin Family Investments, Boswell (International) Consulting Limited and Suharenko Family Investments Establish Rietumu Holding

Jan 25 16

The owners of Rietumu Banka have established a new company, Rietumu Holding. The founders of Rietumu Holding are Esterkin Family Investments, Boswell (International) Consulting Limited and Suharenko Family Investments. The new company has a share capital of EUR 100,000.60, of which Esterkin Family Investments holds 39.63% of shares, Boswell (International) Consulting Limited 39.62% and Suharenko Family Investments 20.74%.

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Which one of their companies does Desmond own over 40 percent of ?

Is it the same one as the one Mccann got them buying shares in but no voting rights ?

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Which one of their companies does Desmond own over 40 percent of ?

Is it the same one as the one Mccann got them buying shares in but no voting rights ?


Their shares are all in Celtic plc, it's the class of shares that vary.

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