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Gordon Smith open letter to Dave King

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It's a lot of waffle. Basically the letter boils down to 2 questions with the rest stating the obvious and what every other Rangers fan is saying, It's a "look at me" letter.


The 2 questions are:


So why haven’t you, as chairman, addressed what has to be the worst result in the club’s 145-year history?

Why didn’t you sack him on Wednesday morning, which is what many fans were calling for?


In respect of question 1, King's in a lose-lose situation to an extent. If he says anything he could be criticised for interfering in what is the manager's area.


In respect of question 2, it's something that most fans have thought but most understand the view that it's one game and he should be given a longer time (whether they agree with the view or not).


Basically if the letter is genuine, it's a waste of time and doesn't add anything that hasn't already been said many times on this website, other websites and in countless conversations between bears.

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I notice that St Johnstone had a scintillating tilt at the Europa Cup.


For years, press and pundits, across the board, preached the doctrine that Rangers could only be measured by their success in European competition(s). Now,

they preach the doctrine that Rangers should appoint one of the usual suspects, one of the good football men of Scotland, whose collective record in against the continent is embarrassing.

I am reminded of the time when Dick Advocaat was unveiled, and the delight as we realised that The Man was not to be someone, with all respect, like Alex Totten, or Bobby Williamson, or Alex Miller, good Rangers' men all, and knowledgeable about the Scottish game, but lacking the x factor, and awareness of the wider game.


Today's cri de coeur from Gordon Smith reminds me somewhat of those days. 2017 should have no place for The Old Pals' (Scotland) Act 1872; no matter the subsequent amendments, it remains substantially the same: outdated, outmoded, and out of place.


Of course, Rangers did break the mould with Souness, did break the mould with Advocaat, and lately has broken the mould with Caixinha. The first two worked out;

I think that it is too early to tell with the third.


For years, Scottish football was derided as two bald middleweights fighting over a rather small comb; harsh, but largely true. Now, If Rangers doesn't show some adventurous, ambitious thinking, and dispense with the provincial and the parochial, then really it is on its less than merry way to Welsh League obscurity.


The season is already over for me. I would feel no satisfaction at all in winning a pub league. We now have to rely on Keltic single-handedly hauling up Scotland's co-efficient. embarrassing doesn't even begin to cut it. We start and finish with what we do in Europe. Or we become a pub team.

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The season is already over for me. I would feel no satisfaction at all in winning a pub league. We now have to rely on Keltic single-handedly hauling up Scotland's co-efficient. embarrassing doesn't even begin to cut it. We start and finish with what we do in Europe. Or we become a pub team.


Alex give yourself a shake of reality. If we are heading for 55 nobody will even remember Luxembourg.

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It's a lot of waffle. Basically the letter boils down to 2 questions with the rest stating the obvious and what every other Rangers fan is saying, It's a "look at me" letter.


The 2 questions are:


So why haven’t you, as chairman, addressed what has to be the worst result in the club’s 145-year history?

Why didn’t you sack him on Wednesday morning, which is what many fans were calling for?


The same answer applies to both questions: "It's an internal matter & will be addressed accordingly."

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Pete, there are people who remember Berwick and Progres was far worse.


While I can't lavish on the former, I'd like to say that the latter will "only" stay in the minds of those who have a tendency not to forget the negatives that easily. Certain folk will always try to bring it up every now and then, like we do with the Yahoos and Red Imps. But success on the park will sooner or later lead to Progres being forgotten about, like many other similarly horrific results have been throughout our history, some of which are not much longer away either. And no attempt of comparing it to this or that result will change that.

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The season is already over for me. I would feel no satisfaction at all in winning a pub league. We now have to rely on Keltic single-handedly hauling up Scotland's co-efficient. embarrassing doesn't even begin to cut it. We start and finish with what we do in Europe. Or we become a pub team.


This is surely a wind up!?!? I feel myself just about to jump into a sentence or twelve about the lack of sense of perspective, and the unbelievable negativity from some of our support, and then I think what's the point. There are obviously many people that get a sense of satisfaction out of being so down on our club. Not me! I'm optimistic, but pragmatic too. We were almost finished as a club and thankfully we were saved thanks to the efforts of a few. I'm sure those few had times when things were going badly for them, but they had the determination and persistence to keep going. That's the attitude we need across our support, and it's ironic that those calling our players weak, an embarassment, and lacking bottle, are the very people that have the same traits themselves. I don't mean that as an attempt at an insult, but more an attempt to let some see their own reflection in the mirror.


Having said that, I'm sure people like yourself really mean it when you say the season is over so allow me to help. A few of my friends are still desperately trying to get season tickets near us so if you want to sell me your ticket, please pm me. It'll be a win for both of us then. Cheers.

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While I can't lavish on the former, I'd like to say that the latter will "only" stay in the minds of those who have a tendency not to forget the negatives that easily. Certain folk will always try to bring it up every now and then, like we do with the Yahoos and Red Imps. But success on the park will sooner or later lead to Progres being forgotten about, like many other similarly horrific results have been throughout our history, some of which are not much longer away either. And no attempt of comparing it to this or that result will change that.

Red Imps is no comparison. They lost a leg against them. we got knocked out by Progres. There's a huge difference.


You refer to "similarly horrific results". I don't believe that there have been any. Berwick is probably the nearest one and it's still talked about today.


I remember many fabulous days watching Rangers that will stick with me forever, the most recent of them being the SF v Celtic. The Hibs final wasn't great but will soon be forgotten. The Progres result will not be forgotten easily by me and will be stored as one of the few painful memories I have from following the Gers.

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To me, Progres - while it hurts - will always remain a memory of farcical blib of UEFA rubbish in pre-season. And the same probably goes for many Scottish fans of other teams (who are of no-one's interest on here, I assume) who have faced the same scenarios on an annual basis for half a decade now. I don't talk about Berwick and I hardly doubt that it occupies people's minds that much, unless they do indeed talk of upsets. In stark contrast to pointing at such failures in the long-distant past on a semi-regular basis though seems to be the debate on - usually - individual games, who are being debated and minutely analyzed on an isolated way as if people have only started watching football (and Rangers) for about a month or so.


At the end of the day, Progres happened and some will have difficulty getting over it. No problem here. Football and we move on though, no matter how often the doom-projectors will keep telling us that after such a start PC will be off soonish. They, much like we, have no clue how the future will unfold, no matter how often they repeat their stance.

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