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Channel 4's Alex Thomson promotes Nazi themed rant at Rangers

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July 6, 2017


Channel 4's Chief Correspondent, Alex Thomson, has used his Twitter account to promote a vile, Nazi-themed rant at Rangers by IRA supporter, Celtic fan and self-styled 'Rebel journalist' Phil Macgiollabhain.



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Stuart Cosgrove remains a senior executive at Channel 4, and has often utilised BBC Scotland air time to defend/mitigate Alex Thomson. Cosgrove was a long time contributor and promoter of the RTC Blog. Cosgrove temporarily moved from the petty and ill informed Off/On the Ball to appear weekly on Traynor's show, to promote Ill Phil's agenda. ............................, etc.

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Must be difficult for the likes of Thomson, Cosgrove, Spence etc.


They were desperately hoping the BTC would finish us.It didn't. We survived intact with our history.


I feel their pain......

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C4 News is as left-wing as they come. Snow and others will all share and promote Thomson's views.


I'm "as left wing as they come" and I neither share not promote (quite the opposite) his views.

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alex thomson‏

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Replying to @pzj_1

@pzj_1 Morning John - apologies - my phone's been broken. Now in office and thus able to comment. I am not employed by Channel 4. Good luck.


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