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The Rangers Tax Case decided - who were the real villains?

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Meanwhile "leading quality paper from the country" (snigger away in the back, middle and front rows, in a blinding piece of top notch 'journalism" has a poll on "Should Rangers be stripped of titles". Shameless. Ut is even headed "their EBT titles". Totally shameless.


So glad I moved away, sad to say, from the land of my birth.


Said as much in another thread Steve - wife and son have ST's this season as they are back in Scotland - but I am so, so thankful that I am not back home to have to listen to the complete Rangers-hating that is going on to absurd extremes.


If they hate us so much..... let us resign from the Scottish leagues and seek competition elsewhere, preferably England. I know some see us as being Scottish, as do I, but to stay in Scotland is akin to having a wife stay in the same house as her abusive husband (sorry for the poor analogy but it is exactly what it reminds me of). Let them die in a pool of their own vitriolic bile.

Edited by craig
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Said as much in another thread Steve - wife and son have ST's this season as they are back in Scotland - but I am so, so thankful that I am not back home to have to listen to the complete Rangers-hating that is going on to absurd extremes.


If they hate us so much..... let us resign from the Scottish leagues and seek competition elsewhere, preferably England. I know some see us as being Scottish, as do I, but to stay in Scotland is akin to having a wife stay in the same house as her abusive husband (sorry for the poor analogy but it is exactly what it reminds me of). Let them die in a pool of their own vitriolic bile.


Green tried it. we can't get into England. Unless an Atlantic league (as it was called before) is set up there's no chance of us playing elsewhere. If the SPFL go down the road of questioning titles (I doubt they will) then it's simple. Absolutely no one goes to away games and Rangers refuse to handle away ticket distribution.

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Said as much in another thread Steve - wife and son have ST's this season as they are back in Scotland - but I am so, so thankful that I am not back home to have to listen to the complete Rangers-hating that is going on to absurd extremes.


If they hate us so much..... let us resign from the Scottish leagues and seek competition elsewhere, preferably England. I know some see us as being Scottish, as do I, but to stay in Scotland is akin to having a wife stay in the same house as her abusive husband (sorry for the poor analogy but it is exactly what it reminds me of). Let them die in a pool of their own vitriolic bile.


In all honesty, is this how you want the club to handle this latest kerfuffle? Fold up into a ball and roll away?

I get that everybody is hurting right now, but for Gawd's sake show some balls.

Neither the SPFL nor the SFA can afford a court fight, they've proved it by backing down from Celtic a couple of times.

When somebody actually does something then we can get fired up.

Step back, take a breath and down a wee goldie. Now doesn't that feel better.

Never forgive, never forget.

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It has to be remembered that the Craig White non payment of PAYE tax that took us into administration and the EBT situation are two separate issues. At this point for me it all hinges on what the SPL/SPFL decide to do/say about it. If they are holding out for a week or two while their place men in the media stoke up the vitriol in order to deliver a statment that will appear to mimic public opinion then there could and should be serious ramifications. To put that in some context at least remember they would not allow us to transfer our SPL share to the new co, we were subsequently left without a league to play in, and all after deduction of points, fines for side letters and other fines and agreements have been decided and agreed to which incidentally should admonish everyone from any further action. The sporting integrity part of the EBT discussion has clearly been dealt with already in LNS which the SPL/SPFL and the SFA were all in concert with accepting. Not that it matters to those calling for further action to be taken.


As far as I'm concerned there is no further action that can or needs to be taken and the SPFL statement should have reflected this instead of playing politics through their latest press release and media. If however they are intending further action/sanctions then its clear to me that the reasoning behind such folly would only be to further hamstring us to an ineffectual challenge for years to come. I for one would, advise our board of directors to not be held to ransom and as such I would argue that we 'caw the feet fae unner thum' by in the meantime approaching the FA to establish their terms and starting point of whichever league they deemed necessary for our inclusion there. I have no qualms about joining the FA and starting in a lower league leaving the rest of this cabal to eat its self alive.

Edited by Big Jaws
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Green tried it. we can't get into England. Unless an Atlantic league (as it was called before) is set up there's no chance of us playing elsewhere. If the SPFL go down the road of questioning titles (I doubt they will) then it's simple. Absolutely no one goes to away games and Rangers refuse to handle away ticket distribution.


Yes we could join their league but it would be from a very similar position to where we've just come from. The argument has always been that we wouldn't get into the EPL or Championship and thats why it was always negated in one way or another. However there is no argument for a team joining from a lower position or league.

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In all honesty, is this how you want the club to handle this latest kerfuffle? Fold up into a ball and roll away?

I get that everybody is hurting right now, but for Gawd's sake show some balls.

Neither the SPFL nor the SFA can afford a court fight, they've proved it by backing down from Celtic a couple of times.

When somebody actually does something then we can get fired up.

Step back, take a breath and down a wee goldie. Now doesn't that feel better.

Never forgive, never forget.


I can see your point but it would feel Pyrrhic to me personally. Of course its all hypothetical at the moment but if the worst ever came to be then remember, we've already won our battles on their terms we've started over at the bottom and fought our way back to the top league. Granted we haven't won it yet but we've done all of that we've fought the good fight. Now though I'd much rather employ a Fabian strategy instead.

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Yes we could join their league but it would be from a very similar position to where we've just come from. The argument has always been that we wouldn't get into the EPL or Championship and thats why it was always negated in one way or another. However there is no argument for a team joining from a lower position or league.


But we still return to the point about needing permission from the SFA to play our home games at Ibrox.

And that is simply never going to happen.

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But we still return to the point about needing permission from the SFA to play our home games at Ibrox.

And that is simply never going to happen.


I'm saying this because should there be sanctions forced upon us by the SPFL when the SFA have already released their council notes suggesting it ridiculous. I don't believe our board would stand for it which would leave us at an impasse with the possible ramifications on yet again not having a league to play in. I think even they (SFA), at that point, would struggle to argue against such a proposal.

Edited by Big Jaws
Grammar, spelling
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I can see your point but it would feel Pyrrhic to me personally. Of course its all hypothetical at the moment but if the worst ever came to be then remember, we've already won our battles on their terms we've started over at the bottom and fought our way back to the top league. Granted we haven't won it yet but we've done all of that we've fought the good fight. Now though I'd much rather employ a Fabian strategy instead.


I don't agree with you on it being a Pyrrhic victory. 55 will feel so good after what they did to us.

Whether it's a full frontal attack or a Fabian strategy that brings victory, who cares? A bit of each if necessary.

Mr. Struth said ... "we welcome the chase' ... bring it on. That is the ultimate quest.

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