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[FT] Progres Niederkorn 2 - 0 Rangers

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I saw fans break up and throw seats and I have photographs of the broken seats on the track.


Please don't post them online. You would be making a rod for your own back.

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Each to one's own, but I didn't see any lacklustre-ness in our players, which you seem to imply. 6 players in today's starting line-up have never played with one another in a meaningful competitive match. two more of the same category came on. I reckon most of the Progres team have played with one another for much longer, know how to defend as a unit and how to break. in that respect, they had it comparatively easy ... and as we have seen throughout these last few seasons, it is much easier to park the bus and try to hit teams on the counter than to actually play football yourself. If you have that odd bit of luck - we hit the post / crossbar three times today? - you reap the rewards. And the losing site always looks rubbish.


Anyway, this one was hard to take and no matter the discussion, the result will remain. PC and the players will have to deliver big time now, the bonus of playing in Europe is gone though.


Good fortune follows the brave DB! My team looked... One paced, One dimensional and bereft of ideas until it was all too late. Only then did urgency took hold of them. I'll say this again so that I am in no way misconstrued. It is not enough to wear the Blue gersy on must fill it. Or in other words if you do have the good fortune to wear it then you should make yourself the best you can be its why unike any other team in the world we have 5 stars on our shirt. Too many of our players played as if they were having a kick around in the public park. That to me is not acceptable.

Edited by Big Jaws
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Another fallout from this , is we have absolutely no preseason schedule now , the Europa league was preseason , we will need to scramble round trying to organise games against anyone , absolute shambles


Should line up some games against Junior teams - look like the only teams we are capable of beating at the present time, though I wouldn't be overly confident there either....

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Really the way to stop this is to change to summer football so that when the EURO ties come about there can be no excuses


There aren't any excuses anyway Mack. Progres are at the same stage of their season's preparations as we are !

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they are a pub team whose euro history is scored three goals and won one game,I will leave you to deflect some more from the performances under pedro,he should be gone tonight !


That's unfair on the oppositioni Union they weren't a pub team but they should have been easily dispatched.

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Pedro post match interview - He takes full responsibility for the loss, believes in the players and the process, disappointed by result, apologises to fans, need to take lessons from performance and move forward to improve.


No real surprises.

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The Manager picks the team,has shown them videos of opposition,passed on his tactics via diagrams and sent them out.

If these players then don't have the wherewithal to convert all this they are IMO more to blame.


Depends on the message the manager is sending out.

Depends on whether his observations make sense

Depends on whether his formation is appropriate against theirs

Depends on whether his tactics are appropriate to counter them


We still don't know if the players went out and played the way the manager asked them to.

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The major disappointment of tonight was the complete lack desire to win the game. A winning attitude was the supposed to be the major change that Pedro was going to bring to the table.

We were a team looking for a 0-0, if that came from the manager then it's unacceptable. If it didn't then he has big problems.


For the life of me I can't understand why, especially in the first half, we weren't peppering their goal with long range efforts. The sun in their goalies eyes was blinding. I had sunglasses on and still had to shield my eyes to see. It's not rocket science, it's common sense.

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If we get rid of Pedro then the idea of a complete managerial novice would be absolutely barking IMHO.


We tried with Warburton, we have tried with Pedro - IF we were to change yet again we need an experienced manager with known success.


Tin hat time - I would even approach Sir Alex to take over for a season or two - dinosaur he may be, but you can guarantee that if he managed over that success this evening then every single one of them would have been petrified to go to the dressing room afterwards.


Warburton and Caixinha were not complete managerial novices when they came to us were they?


Souness was though, and look at the immediate effect he had, Alves could emulate him, just saying.

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We were in pre-season and still are. And at that time you end up with freak scores and results all over the place. As I pointed out above. It doesn't matter how far the opposition is, these chaps can play football and have done so for years, they are no beer-belly carrying Sunday afternoon chaps.


i stand by what I wrote and tend not to have all ills of the game and us rotate on our team and PC alone. Earth ain't flat, you know?! Which, BTW, does not absolve our players et al from falling way short of what is exepected ... in case someone gets me wrong.


And, as I have said multiple times, they are in the same stage of their season preparations. Yet you are blaming UEFA for the start time of the season. Nope, not having it. We were dross, simple. You can excuse it as a freak score, or lack of sharpness or whatever you like. When players are getting paid over 10k a week against players who earn a fraction of that and are in the same stage of their season you should expect the higher quality to eventually come through.


You just continually make excuses, as is your prerogative - but I see nowhere to make excuses tonight. You can grab your comfort blanket of the season starting too soon - I will call out what I witnessed a completely spineless, gutless, inept performance from supposed professionals, most of whom very highly paid. And an equally inept performance from the manager - did his season start too soon as well ?

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