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[FT] Progres Niederkorn 2 - 0 Rangers

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Another fallout from this , is we have absolutely no preseason schedule now , the Europa league was preseason , we will need to scramble round trying to organise games against anyone , absolute shambles


Unless I am mistaken, we'll play Kilmarnock soonish, probably closed doors. That aside, you cannot expect us to plan the unexpected and plan substitute pre-season with decent enough team on stand by. I would assume that we will arrange a few friendlies soonish. Perhaps we might even invite some teams from England or Europe during the course of the season to make amends for tonight.

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I doubt that we thought of this being an easy tie. IMHO, we lacked the cohesion and sharpness that you only get with games, something that you generally only see from the end of September onwards. This is a typical pre-season game of which we lost and laboured against German 4th tier teams in years gone by with far better players. Get these Progres lads to Ibrox in October and we'll maul them.


In essence, as much as it may hurt, we went out two rounds earlier than - realistically - expected. And as long as this summer football rubbish goes on, this will happen time and again. Scotland cwill be lucky if they have even one team in Europe by the end of September.


Except it wasn't a pre-season game, was it ? I can accept there being rustiness, but a lack of heart and desire ? I wouldn't accept that in a training session. You are continually attempting to defend the indefensible.


For the avoidance of doubt.... blaming it on the season starting in June is a complete pile of nonsense - know why ? Because our opponents season ended on May 21st - so they are no further ahead of us in their preparations.


In such instances one should almost always expect the team with the supposedly superior players to show more class than their opponents.


Lol. "Get these Progres lads to Ibrox in October and we will maul them" - based on what ? What you saw tonight ? Remember.... they aren't any further forward in their preparations than we are.

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it often works if its said in the right way coming from your own


No it doesn't and I speak from past experience in a number of places including Stuttgart.


Earlier tonight I and others tried very hard to stop a father and son coming to blows in a respectable city centre bar/restaurant much to the shock of the locals and embarrassment of fellow Rangers fans.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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Except it wasn't a pre-season game, was it ? I can accept there being rustiness, but a lack of heart and desire ? I wouldn't accept that in a training session. You are continually attempting to defend the indefensible.


For the avoidance of doubt.... blaming it on the season starting in June is a complete pile of nonsense - know why ? Because our opponents season ended on May 21st - so they are no further ahead of us in their preparations.


In such instances one should almost always expect the team with the supposedly superior players to show more class than their opponents.


Lol. "Get these Progres lads to Ibrox in October and we will maul them" - based on what ? What you saw tonight ? Remember.... they aren't any further forward in their preparations than we are.


didn't realise that


makes it even worse

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Except it wasn't a pre-season game, was it ? I can accept there being rustiness, but a lack of heart and desire ? I wouldn't accept that in a training session. You are continually attempting to defend the indefensible.


For the avoidance of doubt.... blaming it on the season starting in June is a complete pile of nonsense - know why ? Because our opponents season ended on May 21st - so they are no further ahead of us in their preparations.


In such instances one should almost always expect the team with the supposedly superior players to show more class than their opponents.


Lol. "Get these Progres lads to Ibrox in October and we will maul them" - based on what ? What you saw tonight ? Remember.... they aren't any further forward in their preparations than we are.


We were in pre-season and still are. And at that time you end up with freak scores and results all over the place. As I pointed out above. It doesn't matter how far the opposition is, these chaps can play football and have done so for years, they are no beer-belly carrying Sunday afternoon chaps.


i stand by what I wrote and tend not to have all ills of the game and us rotate on our team and PC alone. Earth ain't flat, you know?! Which, BTW, does not absolve our players et al from falling way short of what is exepected ... in case someone gets me wrong.

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I doubt that we thought of this being an easy tie. IMHO, we lacked the cohesion and sharpness that you only get with games, something that you generally only see from the end of September onwards. This is a typical pre-season game of which we lost and laboured against German 4th tier teams in years gone by with far better players. Get these Progres lads to Ibrox in October and we'll maul them.


In essence, as much as it may hurt, we went out two rounds earlier than - realistically - expected. And as long as this summer football rubbish goes on, this will happen time and again. Scotland cwill be lucky if they have even one team in Europe by the end of September.


they are a pub team whose euro history is scored three goals and won one game,I will leave you to deflect some more from the performances under pedro,he should be gone tonight !

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My suggestion:


Sack Pedro tomorrow and install Alves as player-manager !!


Could work.


If we get rid of Pedro then the idea of a complete managerial novice would be absolutely barking IMHO.


We tried with Warburton, we have tried with Pedro - IF we were to change yet again we need an experienced manager with known success.


Tin hat time - I would even approach Sir Alex to take over for a season or two - dinosaur he may be, but you can guarantee that if he managed over that success this evening then every single one of them would have been petrified to go to the dressing room afterwards.

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