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The Record were banned from Kings PC

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Post By Grandmaster_Suck from FF



The Daily Record was banned from the Sports Direct press conference


Dave King ordered that nobody from the Daily Record be allowed into his press conference yesterday about the Ashley deal. He has finally lost patience with their continual sniping and anti-Rangers agenda. Yet today the Record put Keith Jackson’s name on the story despite the fact he has long since been banned by Rangers as an individual.


The coverage in the Record of the feel good story was to try and turn it against King and against Rangers and the way it was presented, given that they did not have a journo there, could even be thought of as a fraud on their readers. The tone of it clearly showed just how angry under pressure editor Murray Foote was. He threw the dummy out the pram. The latest circulation figure for the Record for May is 147,000, down 14.5% on May 2016.


It seems now that rabid Dundee United fan Foote and his equally rabid Celtic supporting sports editor Austin Barrett have taken a conscious decision that they no longer want Rangers supporters to buy their rag.

Edited by pete
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Would make a smashing banner. 750000 scored out dropping 50000 a time each scored out until we hit their new circulation number of 150000 with the tail line " ready to stop reporting lies or would you rather die" "Tick tock" "just ask Ashley if the boycott is real"

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We should run a sweep.


The Daily Record has a commercial agreement with ra Sellik, they print and distribute both ra Sellik's match day programme and ra Sellik View. When will we see the tipping point ie sales of ra Sellik's publications are greater than the Daily Record's circulation?

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We should run a sweep.


The Daily Record has a commercial agreement with ra Sellik, they print and distribute both ra Sellik's match day programme and ra Sellik View. When will we see the tipping point ie sales of ra Sellik's publications are greater than the Daily Record's circulation?


unfortunately people are forced to pay for the BBC otherwise they should be boycotted as well.

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Surely the TV licence that you must have covers their costs or am living in the past?


No you at bang on Pete. It's enforced by law although many people still refuse to pay it. Citizens should not be compelled to pay for television they do not want.


I still have absolutely no idea how they get away with this blatant extortion?

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