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RFC negotiate new 12 month retail deal with Sports Direct

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I'm just home from a trip to Nottingham and catching up. At first I was excited but now I am wondering what the catch is - Obviously I hope that there isn't one but with us I always fear.


I will await Gersnet official memo telling me that it is now definitely OK to buy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Edited by SteveC
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Rangers to keep last season’s home kit for new campaign


Rangers will keep their 2016/17 home strips for the new season after agreeing a fresh commercial deal with Sports Direct.


The club will unveil new change kits for the 2017/18 campaign, but have decided to stick with last year’s design after supporters were once again encouraged to buy club merchandise.


Read more at: http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/rangers/rangers-to-keep-last-season-s-home-kit-for-new-campaign-1-4482627

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Might be time for the King bashers re-evaluate their criticism and that includes the bashers at the likes of the record though I don't see that happening anytime soon. This man has delivered all he promised at the beginning of his tenure and because that didn't happen overnight is no valid reason to take swipes at him. This was always going to be a project that would take time after all that has gone before and I think he has delivered in an acceptable time span.


He has delivered the Euro football he promised and the new manager is being handsomely backed in the transfer market. I also notice the 'war chest' scoffers have disappeared from view as they scurry around trying to create some new mindless drivel to obsess over.

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Heard a rumour there is more to come but they are scared of a backlash so doing bit mail


Ashely getting someone on the board? Just a thought not based on anything.

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When this first started trickling through around half 3 I had to keep away from all news and social media because I couldn't bear any more let downs or false dawns , however well played Dave King and the board and by all accounts James Blair , this is a monumental day , probably the most important say of the summer , I've actually watched the press conference twice just to make sure that what he was saying was real ......in a blue heaven just now , cmon next season

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When this first started trickling through around half 3 I had to keep away from all news and social media because I couldn't bear any more let downs or false dawns , however well played Dave King and the board and by all accounts James Blair , this is a monumental day , probably the most important say of the summer , I've actually watched the press conference twice just to make sure that what he was saying was real ......in a blue heaven just now , cmon next season


Mexico 1-0 behind to New Zealand and it could have been 3 maybe we should have bought Kiwi's instead.:D

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