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Rangers Friendly Match Today

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With these kind of games, the end scoreline is virtually irrelevant.


What is important is HOW the players are playing on the pitch....are they playing according to PC's instructions etc?? are they working together?? are they putting in the required effort?? Get all that in place and the result will follow.

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Not sure if anyone has watched it on RTV, but here is my observations:

1. Rangers dominated the game, but didn't take their chances (primarily Waghorn, who's finishing was/is abysmal). Looked like a 4 2 3 1 formation with a high press. Good energy from the players considering this is their second kick around and hopefully we get it altogether by the time of the first leg.

2. Wes made a good save from a free kick, but didn't have much to do for the rest of the time.

3. Tav, good going forward, not under any real pressure.

4. McCrorie, good young player, think he will probably go out on loan again this season.

5. Cardosa - Bossed the game, strong in the tackle and has a good outlet ball.

6. Wallace - had some good moments but probably still attempting to get his match fitness back

7. Jack - Didn't waste a pass, think that this may be one of our best bits of business in this transfer window.

8. Holt - Played alongside Jack, and was his normal busy self. Can't recall any moments of brilliance, but equally can't remember too many mistakes!

9. Miller - Full of energy, but just adds nothing to the team out wide.

10. Kranjcar - less eye catching than against Coleraine, but still some moments of sublime skill. Just not sure that the fitness is going to be fully recoverable. Obviously very harsh observation after only 2 bounce matches and hope I am wrong.

11. Dalcio - Flattered to deceive, but decent overall and with moments of good skill, but seem to recall him giving the ball away fairly often.

12. Waghorn - Would rather play Miller down the middle, and may do so once Candeias (spelling?) comes into the team. I think Waghorn is for the off when Herrera arrives, just can't see how he would make that team.


Won't list all of the subs, but thought Rossiter and McKay (in particular) did quite well when they came on. McKay was looking for the ball and can provide the creativity that this team requires if we don't have a Kranjcar. My guess is that Rossiter will play with Jack as one of the two holding midfielders once the serious stuff starts.


I wouldn't read too much into a bounce match and have to consider the level of the opposition, but the team appears to be gelling and understanding Pedro's instructions. Will be interesting to see where Pena and Dorrans fit into the picture, if or when they arrive.

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Would not waste my money on friendlies but would attend testimonials depending on player.


I always enjoy a Saturday afternoon glamour pre season job at Ibrox MacK. It's a good relaxing day out, usually nice to be home after the close season.

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I thought the team looked very comfortable and in control, bar poor finishing we would have scored a few more, again highlighting our weakness of last season of not scoring enough goals. Dalcio never showed too much and I thought Morelos looked a bit overweight so needs to get fitter!. Herrera & Pena should improve our attacking though.


I continue to be impressed by our young CBs' as they all look comfortable on the ball and with Alves to come in we should be a lot stronger.

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The words I heard a couple of years ago from Academy staff about McCrorie (the CB half of the twins) was "future captain".


He is/was rated extremely highly. He thoroughly enjoyed his time at Ayr United last season and commented that he had never come off the pitch after games with so many bumps and bruises - I think, to an extent, this is what the club want - they want him to participate in physical battles to prepare him for when he hopefully breaks through into the first team.


I will watch the games this evening...

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June 21, 2017

Rangers continued their pre-season programme on Monday afternoon with a 1-1 draw against Welsh Premier League champions TNS. Although the majority of Rangers fans would probably have expected a victory and a more convincing performance overall, there were a few positive individual performances worth highlighting.


Fabio Cardoso continued with his positive start to life at the heart of the Rangers defence. Despite being left exposed by some poor play by Kenny Miller for the TNS equaliser, Cardoso was able dominate his opponents with relative ease throughout the 70 minutes he played. There were also a number of forward runs being made to good effect which was interesting to see. There's definitely a touch of the Bougherra's about this lad going forward, and he'll have to choose his moments carefully against better opposition.



Dalcio too played around 70 minutes, on the left flank, and was able to show a few bright flashes, especially when dribbling at full speed. When he was taking on defenders from a more stationary starting point, there were plenty of feints and step-overs being threatened, but very little danger for TNS defenders to worry about. It could be suggested that he could be compared to Nathan Oduwa at times in these positions. There's definitely skill and ability there from what we've seen so far, but he might not quite know how to implement it when it counts. Hopefully Pedro Caixinha can get the best out of him as the season progresses.


Ryan Jack put in another positively aggressive display and seems to work well alongside Jason Holt as a holding duo. With Jordan Rossiter also competing for a starting-slot in this position, it will be interesting to see who partners Jack next Thursday against Progrès Niederkorn. Rossiter too, put on a good display for the short time he was on the field after replacing Holt after 75 minutes.


Having just been revealed as the latest new signing earlier that day, Alfredo Morelos was able to make his first appearance in a Rangers jersey. There has been much anticipation building around this young Columbian goal-machine. He only had 20 minutes to work with, but Morelos was able to show a little of what we can expect from him. For his size, he appears to be very strong and easily holds the ball up against players with a height and size advantage. His link up play was positive, but unfortunately, he was never really able to be played into a clear goalscoring opportunity on this occasion. At first look though, there's a lot more to come from this young man.



As an added bonus, you'd hope that with Morelos on the books, Herrera set to follow and Ryan Hardie yet to go on loan, that's the last we'll see of Martyn Waghorn in the number 9 position for Rangers.


The lack of goalscoring opportunity was a frustrating factor for much of Rangers' overall play in this match. There was plenty of possession in all areas, but very little created in the final third. That said, TNS defended resolutely throughout and were probably quite happy with their performance. It is important to note that TNS are two weeks further along in their preparations than their hosts.


Ross McCrorie deserves a mention after making his first start for the first team following a successful loan spell at Dumbarton last season. The promising youngster didn't look out of place alongside Cardoso and if he isn't going to go on loan to a Premiership team this season, he looks like he'll make an adequate back-up to Alves and Cardoso.


Despite being a class above Coleraine, Niko Krancjar appeared quite off the pace against TNS. TNS defender Steven Saunders (ex-Motherwell) also made this point in the media afterwards, so hopefully Niko can take note of this and improve his sharpness in the next few weeks.


A final mention can go to Josh Windass. There were reports a few weeks ago that Windass was being flogged for peanuts to anyone who'd take him, but this story was rubbished by Windass Snr. on Twitter. Windass has certainly been working hard to create chances in both friendlies so far, so it'll be interesting to see if he can continue to build on this and make a much more positive contribution to the team than be did for the majority of last season.


Pedro Caixinha spoke enthusiastically about the performance after the game on Rangers TV. The managers stated that he believes his players are moving in the right direction with regards to their preparations for the 1st Round of the Europa League qualifiers.


Spend £5. Register for Rangers TV. Watch everything you need straight from the club.

Tagged: Match Reviews

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June 21, 2017

Rangers continued their pre-season programme on Monday afternoon with a 1-1 draw against Welsh Premier League champions TNS. Although the majority of Rangers fans would probably have expected a victory and a more convincing performance overall, there were a few positive individual performances worth highlighting.


Fabio Cardoso continued with his positive start to life at the heart of the Rangers defence. Despite being left exposed by some poor play by Kenny Miller for the TNS equaliser, Cardoso was able dominate his opponents with relative ease throughout the 70 minutes he played. There were also a number of forward runs being made to good effect which was interesting to see. There's definitely a touch of the Bougherra's about this lad going forward, and he'll have to choose his moments carefully against better opposition.



Dalcio too played around 70 minutes, on the left flank, and was able to show a few bright flashes, especially when dribbling at full speed. When he was taking on defenders from a more stationary starting point, there were plenty of feints and step-overs being threatened, but very little danger for TNS defenders to worry about. It could be suggested that he could be compared to Nathan Oduwa at times in these positions. There's definitely skill and ability there from what we've seen so far, but he might not quite know how to implement it when it counts. Hopefully Pedro Caixinha can get the best out of him as the season progresses.


Ryan Jack put in another positively aggressive display and seems to work well alongside Jason Holt as a holding duo. With Jordan Rossiter also competing for a starting-slot in this position, it will be interesting to see who partners Jack next Thursday against Progrès Niederkorn. Rossiter too, put on a good display for the short time he was on the field after replacing Holt after 75 minutes.


Having just been revealed as the latest new signing earlier that day, Alfredo Morelos was able to make his first appearance in a Rangers jersey. There has been much anticipation building around this young Columbian goal-machine. He only had 20 minutes to work with, but Morelos was able to show a little of what we can expect from him. For his size, he appears to be very strong and easily holds the ball up against players with a height and size advantage. His link up play was positive, but unfortunately, he was never really able to be played into a clear goalscoring opportunity on this occasion. At first look though, there's a lot more to come from this young man.



As an added bonus, you'd hope that with Morelos on the books, Herrera set to follow and Ryan Hardie yet to go on loan, that's the last we'll see of Martyn Waghorn in the number 9 position for Rangers.


The lack of goalscoring opportunity was a frustrating factor for much of Rangers' overall play in this match. There was plenty of possession in all areas, but very little created in the final third. That said, TNS defended resolutely throughout and were probably quite happy with their performance. It is important to note that TNS are two weeks further along in their preparations than their hosts.


Ross McCrorie deserves a mention after making his first start for the first team following a successful loan spell at Dumbarton last season. The promising youngster didn't look out of place alongside Cardoso and if he isn't going to go on loan to a Premiership team this season, he looks like he'll make an adequate back-up to Alves and Cardoso.


Despite being a class above Coleraine, Niko Krancjar appeared quite off the pace against TNS. TNS defender Steven Saunders (ex-Motherwell) also made this point in the media afterwards, so hopefully Niko can take note of this and improve his sharpness in the next few weeks.


A final mention can go to Josh Windass. There were reports a few weeks ago that Windass was being flogged for peanuts to anyone who'd take him, but this story was rubbished by Windass Snr. on Twitter. Windass has certainly been working hard to create chances in both friendlies so far, so it'll be interesting to see if he can continue to build on this and make a much more positive contribution to the team than be did for the majority of last season.


Pedro Caixinha spoke enthusiastically about the performance after the game on Rangers TV. The managers stated that he believes his players are moving in the right direction with regards to their preparations for the 1st Round of the Europa League qualifiers.


Spend £5. Register for Rangers TV. Watch everything you need straight from the club.

Tagged: Match Reviews


Some things never change!!

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I dont really care about performances or scores in pre-season bounce games, it is all about progressing towards match sharpness for the first match that counts. Unfortunately for us this year, the action starts ridiculously early, so there is no chance we are going to be at full speed for next Thursday, but hope that our class of player is too strong for our first two opponents as we build up towards harder fixtures and the start of the league campaign.


Adds more fuel to the March-November season campaign which I fully support.

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I dont really care about performances or scores in pre-season bounce games,


I partially disagree....


I think pre-season games are ONLY about performance.....They are about how the team is building towards the start of the season etc. The manager will be looking to see players that are hungry to play & keen to show they they should be 1st pick. It's about the team working together as a (eh) Team.


The manager will be wanting to see these performances increase with every game they play, building them up so that they are ready for competitive action.


As with most things, if the Team gets the preparation & performance correct, then results will follow.

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