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Pushing proposed transfers over the line?

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I am becoming a tad anxious over the proposed transfers of both Dorrans and Walker. It seems we have been actively pursuing both for over a month. All noises are positive, even this morning I have heard very positive anecdotal musings from an excellent source reference both players. I feel we need Graham Dorrans and Jamie Walker; potentially the difference between a one all draw and a 1-2 victory, up at Dens on a wet and windy Tuesday night in February. Along with Alves, they add much needed solidity to our spine.


The anxiety stems from our protracted and ultimately unsuccessful chase of Scott Allan. His ability to both see, and make a pass would have improved Warburton's team considerably. Then, Allan was making passes that hurt the opposition. Our forward players would have been massive beneficiaries. I believe we would have won the Scottish Cup last year, if Allan had started in our midfield. If the monies were not there, then thems the breaks.


The nature of the chase, the several offers, and Allan's ultimate destination left a scar. I hope I am wrong, but I fear the signs on both Dorrans and Walker are looking very similar.

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It's Monday morning, so I suppose we may excuse such pessimistic Calvinist gloom.


It does seem, from sources various and varied, official/unofficial. mainstream/alternative, that both Walker and Dorrans want to play at Ibrox. Rangers is their team, and the team of their families and friends. They same, of course, was said about Scott Allan, which made his dalliance with the dark side all the more shocking.


I do not expect either Dorrans, in particular, or Walker to pitch up at the piggery any time soon.


The lesson of the almost deliberate destruction of Allan's career is fresh in the mind. (Before you ask, I have limited, very limited, sympathy, here.)

Allan was duped into signing on @la porcherie, his 'capture' engineered to prevent his moving to Ibrox, where he was actually wanted, and would, form and fitness permitting, have featured consistently. You can pull that kind of stunt only once, it seems to me.


Fhilth fc , I suspect, has a few bills in the offing, plus demands for better, longer, more lucrative, contracts on the ceo's desk, and thus the cavalier acquisition of players is unlikely to be on its agenda, anyway.


Dorrans' move to Rangers would not be for the money, although he would command a very generous salary, in Scottish, SPFL, terms.


Walker would, I imagine, increase his money at Ibrox, which is a significant factor. Whether or not it is the sole determinant is a matter for speculation.

There is clearly what the press would call a 'Revolution', underway at Ibrox, and this is likely to be an attraction for any properly educated, up and coming ambitious player,

particularly if he has, in Caixinha's words " cognitive ability above the Scottish average", and thus would fit in. (If Walker does not, in PC's opinion, have this, then he would not pursue him; I think that much is clear.)


So, there are reasons to be, if not cheerful, cautiously optimistic.


Signing both, given the assiduous pursuit, would be a real bonus. It is not a make up the numbers game.

Edited by Uilleam
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Caixinha's words on "cognitive ability above the Scottish average" was aimed at Ryan Gauld, not Jamie Walker.


Ah ken. I don't think that PC would be pursuing Jamie Walker if he didn't think he had the same or similar attribute.

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