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Wenger agrees new two-year contract

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Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has agreed a new two-year contract, extending his 21-year reign at the club.


Wenger and club owner Stan Kroenke met on Monday to determine the Frenchman's future, with the decision relayed to directors at a Tuesday board meeting.


Arsenal are planning to make an official announcement on Wednesday.


The Gunners were fifth in the Premier League this season, the first time they have finished outside the top four since the Frenchman joined in 1996.


They finished 18 points behind champions Chelsea, but beat the Blues 2-1 to win the FA Cup at Wembley on Saturday.


Wenger's contract was set to finish at the end of the current campaign.


MORE: http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/40073103

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Oh yay......


Hopefully he will heed the calls and start spending some money on the right players. Last season he needed a goalscoring forward and defensive cover - and went and plugged his midfield AGAIN. They really don't need Elneny, Xhaka, Coquelin AND Wilshere for 1 or 2 holding midfield positions. With Cazorla coming back to fitness it would likely be 1 position with Cazorla sitting slightly ahead of, probably Xhaka - so why the need to have so many others in those positions ?


Then defensively he had to start the season with Chambers and Holding - admittedly Holding looks very decent, but when Koscielny is out injured (or gets his regular red card) to be left with Paulista (who is a bombscare) plus Holding then you know you don't have the desired quality at the back. And now, having gone to a back 3 there is even more need for defensive numbers. Right now his preferred back 3 would probably be Koscielny, Mertesacker and either Paulista or Holding - with a back 3 you cant afford the frightening lack of pace that Mertesacker has and with Paulista you run the risk of conceding every game.


Central defence and a goalscorer are the biggest areas of weakness.

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Im quite glad he is staying but he needs to wind the clock back. I thought on Saturday he had a swagger about him that was vintage Wenger. At half time he went up the tunnel in similar fashion to how he used to walk down the Old Trafford touchline and win there regularly.


Arsenal fans will demand quality signings and that they play most games like they did last weekend. Wenger himself must know this of the boo boys will be out in force this coming season. Man City arent messing about, they are already doing business and the others will also. Man U and Chelsea already being linked with big players.


There is a lot of dead wood to get out. Dubuchy, Jenkinson, Chambers, Gibbs, Coquelin, Sanogo, Szczesny.


Then there is players who havent really cut it recently like Wilshire, Walcott and Ramsay - these 3 only perform in flashes. The latter are two good honest pro's yet these 3 have spend more time in the treatment room that played.


They need some quality in the wide areas. Not signing Draxler was a mistake.


So it will be interesting to see who he signs. He cant afford not to make some decent signings with their injury record.


Mertesacker is made for a back 3 in the same way Luis is at Chelsea. The latter is a bombscare in a 2 due to errors. But for Mertsacker its his pace. He reads the game so well and relies on that but in a 2 if he is second to the ball then its an open chance. So if they stick with a back 3 then Mertesacker, Mustafi, Koscielny, Monreal and Holding are good options to start with. Agree with Craig that Gabriel is a worry.


Bellerin, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Welbeck and Xhaka are musts to stay. The first 3 have drive and pace to burn. Xhaka is just coming onto a game after adapting to the league and will be some player next season with a full summers break. If Cazorla recovers 100% he is super key to the team and should start ahead of Ozil.


Sanchez staying is a must even if he doesnt sign. He is peaking right now and will start to go down hill in a year or so with burn out. Its worth keeping him for a year rather than taking the money as he is irreplaceable at the moment.


Will be an interesting summer.

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