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Jimmy Millar: Battle With Dementia

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Dementia is not selective as it affects many who played and many who did not play football.

What I have noticed in the majority of those having played football all too often the old leather football which soaked up moisture is a common denominator.

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Dementia is not selective as it affects many who played and many who did not play football.

What I have noticed in the majority of those having played football all too often the old leather football which soaked up moisture is a common denominator.


Not to mention heading the laces, I am not sure they would have soaked up moisture if they were rubbed in dubbin as we used to do.

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Dementia is not selective as it affects many who played and many who did not play football.

What I have noticed in the majority of those having played football all too often the old leather football which soaked up moisture is a common denominator.


Jimmy Miller and many others of his age suffering this affliction played for much of their later careers with a "Thomson T Ball" Mac, which in no way could be described as an old bladder with laces.

As a kid I got a bladder for Christmas, etc and understand what you are saying. Maybe Jimmy spent his youth and early career heading the dubbin covered bag of sand but I'm certain that had gone later before he retired.

I personally put it down to folk living longer but of course am open to proven medical opinion.

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One of the truly greats of our club , one of the biggest mistakes we made was not playing him in the final of the ECWC final in 67 we mightbe have been celebrating a 50th as well but we played big John Roger Shankly Hynd and as they say the rests history ,Jimmy was a hero to me .

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