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Why do we have a thread about them winning a treble? Did not watch game, not interested. Let them obsess about us, not us them.



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Just noticed something 110 guests on here! Surely they are not on a Rangers forum after winning a treble :D :D


Yahoos stalk us everywhere........

They're inadequate people who envy us because of who we are.

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The biggest failing of Celtic is that they should have had 5 trebles in a row... but couldn't.


I'm sure this hasn't gone unnoticed in the Rangers boardroom.

At least I'd like to think it hasn't

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Let's be honest, Celtic are exactly where they ought to have been for the last 5 years given how they have strangled the life out of the rest of Scottish football. Rogers is a half decent manager who finally put the pieces of the jigsaw together in a way that works in a one horse league. What does that say about Lennon and Ronnie and how shite they were?

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Apparently "this is how it feels to be Celtic". Apart from it being a typically grammatically nonsensical song (typical of the idiots, they simply can't see that their new fantastic song doesn't axtually make sense), winning a meaningless treble while getting beat by teams from Gibraltar (that's record breaking right there) and Israel, scraping though against a team from Khazakstan, and not winning a single game in the champions league all while burying your head in the sand against an oncoming storm of the repercussions of you hiding multiple child abuse in the past along with embarrassingly celebrating a win 50 years ago in which you won a cup beating the minnows of Europe and a lucky win against one decent team, then yes, that IS what it feels (like) to be Celtic.

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Over on the German board we have a thread where we collect all the heinous stuff that emits from Yahooland, mainly for reference and later use.


I'd be hesitant to label that "obsessive", as we have seen by using these facts that the Yahoos got various decisions their way, have extended their will via the compliant media, but the web never forgets.


And this starts with their very first match and goes through to the last couple of OF games where Brown got the freedom of Celtland. He - essentially - can throw a granny in front of a bus and will still get away with it.


Sample from the first game vs Hearts? Takes about 10 mins to assemble ...


Pre-match ...

Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers says he's building a dossier on EVERY Scottish referee

The Celtic manager is renowned for his thorough research on rivals’ players but also does his homework on the officials – going back more than a season.

Rodgers said: “We study the referee. We look at the last 35 games of the ref and his form going into games. Does he give particular cards at a high level or not? Everything’s in there.”


This background goes into the pre-match pack Rodgers hands out to every member of his squad – including all they need to know about their rival teams.


He said: “It’s not homework but the players are given a document on the opponent. Everything is in there about the player they are playing against.


During the match ...

The Hoops almost came a cropper on day one as they were the victim of a dodgy penalty decision at Tynecastle when ref John Beaton was duped after Hearts ace Jamie Walker took a tumble in the box.


Celts skipper Scott Brown branded the Jambos star a diving cheat and Rodgers admitted the whistler was conned before new Bhoy Scott Sinclair spared any blushes with a late debut winner.





Before we get to Walker, their winner was scored in here:



As we can see (the much maligned Beaton and his linesman too), a Yahoo is clearly in an offside position and in line with the keeper's vision. Thus, that goal shall never have been given. It was. And no word about that anywhere. But when Sinclair ran half across the pitch and was confronted by a Jambo, well, see further down below!


Before that though, Brown led the line vs Walker, the mhedia took that up and ...

ROBBIE NEILSON insists Hearts will appeal Jamie Walker’s two-match ban for diving – after claiming the winger isn’t a cheat.


The Jambos boss says the SFA should also investigate Celtic skipper Scott Brown’s comments after he branded Walker a “cheat” and claimed his “dive” belonged at the Rio Olympics.


SFA compliance officer Tony McGlennan last night issued Walker an automatic two-match suspension after finding the midfielder guilty of diving to win a penalty in the Jambos’ 2-1 Premiership loss to Celtic on Sunday.

Now Neilson has challenged the SFA to prove there wasn’t any contact with the Jambos prepared to stand by their man and fight the ban every step of the way.


Neilson even cited a previous clash between the sides when former Hoops striker John Guidetti dived to win a penalty during a 4-0 Scottish Cup win for Celtic at Tynecastle in 2014 – but he wasn’t hit with a ban.


Neilson said: “We will stand by the player if the SFA take action –100 per cent, yes. It’s only right.


“We looked at the same 
incident in the same corner two years ago, with John Guidetti.


“He said he slipped and Guidetti didn’t get banned. Well there is contact on Jamie Walker, he goes down, it’s a penalty kick.


“Ultimately it’s the referee who makes the decision. I’m sure if it was a Celtic player and there is contact in the box and he goes down then that’s it, penalty.

Neilson admitted he was disappointed with Brown’s comments about Walker. Brown said after the game: “It is brilliant how well he dives. He should have been in Rio. It was a dive. Cheat.”


Neilson said: “I don’t think it’s right to come out and make comments on other footballers.


“If you have something to say then say it in private.


“I know Scott and I know what was said and it’s up to the powers that be to decide about that.”



Walker remained suspended, of course. If he dived, fair enough. But for some reason, as soon as the Yahoos demand answers from the ref and the SFA, the CO sprang and springs into action and - as you can see - with the correct outcome. How often did other clubs go about their business that way and got a decision?


And then the incident with Sinclair ...

Police launch criminal investigation into fan who lunged at Scott Sinclair


Police have launched a criminal investigation after a Hearts fan lunged towards new Celtic signing Scott Sinclair following his late winner at Tynecastle.

Footage of the goal celebration shows a fan standing up and moving his arms towards Sinclair as the winger celebrated his debut goal by running along the track in front of the Roseburn Stand towards the away supporters. There did not appear to be any contact.

A Police Scotland statement read: "Police in Edinburgh are investigating after a supporter attempted to confront a Celtic player within Tynecastle Stadium on Sunday 7th August."


A statement from the Edinburgh club added: "Hearts is aware of an alleged incident following a goal scored by Scott Sinclair during the Celtic match at Tynecastle on Sunday 7th August.

"The club have been in discussion with Police Scotland and this matter is now the subject of a criminal investigation.

"The club will work with the police and share all relevant information as necessary."

Sinclair was booked for running into the Celtic supporters to celebrate his goal, which came hours after he completed his transfer from Aston Villa.

A Hearts fan was jailed for eight months for breach of the peace in 2011 after running out of the main stand at Tynecastle and launching himself at then-Celtic manager Neil Lennon in the technical area.



Within days!


Now, as one FFer remarked back then ...

So, if I get this right...


Hitting Rangers players with sticks, lighters and mobile phones is ok, stewards lunging at Kyle Lafferty at the piggery is also ok, half a dozen Motherwell players assaulting Mohsni is Mohsni's fault and Hibs fans assaulting Rangers players isn't a big deal, ... but 'lunging' at a Celtic player warrants an immediate Police investigation?


Seems fair and balanced application of the law to me.....So, if I get this right...


And all the above are just incidents of the FIRST Match Day. The investigative journalists are sure into this as we speak ...

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My daughters partner runs a pub which is about 50/50 when it comes to the manks and us. I was down the town attending to business [the first time I've been able to wear shoes since our forum do btw] so popped in for a pint of Tartan just at kick off. Within the first few minutes sellik quite correctly had an offside decision given against them and some tramp shouted out, " Ach, that's it started already. This what we're up against. Cheating bassas."

Knowing I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut I guzzled my pint and left.

As it turned out the next pub was selling pints of Red McGregor at £2 and provided a seemingly endless supply of pies and sausage rolls free.

I couldn't care less who won the match. I was hoping they'd both get beat.

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I knew that there was somebody, somewhere who drank Tartan Special.


I didn't even know they still sold the stuff until I wandered into that pub. I was convinced they'd taken it off the market. You just don't seem to see it sold anywhere these days mate.

It's a smashing pint too for 3 quid.

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