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FA Cup Final Arsenal v Chelsea

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Gunners could have had three in the first ten and thereafter ran the game contrary to my expectations.


The boy Mertesacker looks a prospect.


Did I see Sanchez and Conte exchange especially friendly smiles at the starting handshakes? Where will he be next year? Hope it's not Chelsea.

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Quality performance from Arsenal. If they had their shooting boots on then it would have been 5-1.


Delighted for Wenger.


I thought Mertesacker and Ramsay were outstanding and Ozil actually tried for once. This team is 2 players short - Reus and Calvalho would probably do it. Yet Wilshire and Cazorla still to come back.

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A flag going up doesnt stop play. Professionals should know that.

A blatant offside and handball should.


Regardless, and this is not just me being bitter, the FA cup does not mean that much anymore. I'm just disappointed that it can't be considered a double winning season. Any trophy that a joke club like Arsenal regularly win is clearly meaningless.

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A blatant offside and handball should.


Regardless, and this is not just me being bitter, the FA cup does not mean that much anymore. I'm just disappointed that it can't be considered a double winning season. Any trophy that a joke club like Arsenal regularly win is clearly meaningless.


Gracious in defeat as usual. Bitter, bitter man tonight :D

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