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Club1872 statement re PC

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I think a statement confirming that the support is right behind Pedro is fair enough.

I think a statement highlighting the unreasonable criticism of PC is also understandable, although not necessary

I think a statement which personalises this, and attacks these named individuals is ill advised. This feels as though we have dropped to the same low standards that we accuse them of.


As I say, I can understand the frustration, but responding in this manner is not the answer. The answer is just to ban these people and then not to buy, or read, or retweet, or like, anything they write. This has done nothing other than provide further fuel to their fire. I suspect the Rangers board has been given similar advice and hence their reason for keeping quiet.

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I think a statement confirming that the support is right behind Pedro is fair enough.

I think a statement highlighting the unreasonable criticism of PC is also understandable, although not necessary

I think a statement which personalises this, and attacks these named individuals is ill advised. This feels as though we have dropped to the same low standards that we accuse them of.


As I say, I can understand the frustration, but responding in this manner is not the answer. The answer is just to ban these people and then not to buy, or read, or retweet, or like, anything they write. This has done nothing other than provide further fuel to their fire. I suspect the Rangers board has been given similar advice and hence their reason for keeping quiet.


Remember, this isn't an official CLUB statement......c1872 have no power to ban anyone or restrict access. they are simply presenting the views of a very large number of fans.

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There is an alky tramp in charge of the mank supporters who is not shy to stoop to any level whatsoever to defend any perceived slight towards his club or its supporters.

That is what our spokespersons should be doing. No matter how low we need to go.

I'm fed up with our guys turning the other cheek, ignoring things, or talking about "class". We had years and years of lies and half truths spread by every section of the media about Rangers.

Get into them at every opportunity. Name them and call them out every single time.

If the club don't want to ban these non-entities fair enough - but I'm certain there are many thousands of Rangers fans who think like I do and who'll maybe reconsider further funding of the club if the silence goes on much longer.

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There is an alky tramp in charge of the mank supporters who is not shy to stoop to any level whatsoever to defend any perceived slight towards his club or its supporters.

That is what our spokespersons should be doing. No matter how low we need to go.

I'm fed up with our guys turning the other cheek, ignoring things, or talking about "class". We had years and years of lies and half truths spread by every section of the media about Rangers.

Get into them at every opportunity. Name them and call them out every single time.

If the club don't want to ban these non-entities fair enough - but I'm certain there are many thousands of Rangers fans who think like I do and who'll maybe reconsider further funding of the club if the silence goes on much longer.

all that does is circulate the story and play into the Records hands. They are not trying to encourage us to read the paper they are aiming for the Rangers haters


We need a structured and well thought out plan. Playground name calling will achieve nothing. Pick a newspaper give it the full backing of the Rangers support by letting it become an official partner of the fans group on the condition it helps named members write positive pieces that when mutually agreed can be printed. That's a small first step in fighting the hatred out there

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Remember, this isn't an official CLUB statement......c1872 have no power to ban anyone or restrict access. they are simply presenting the views of a very large number of fans.


I do understand that Club 1872 doesn't ban anyone, but my point is that it's the only thing to do, other than cut off the oxygen to these parasites. We cut off the oxygen by ignoring them. The problem for us is that we have too many of our own supporters who continue to buy, read, and disseminate the nonsense they come up with. That's what Club 1872 could and should be pointing out. Let's stop buying the subscriptions and these people will die off.


As for your point about the statement echoing what many fans think, I completely agree with you, and I think the same. However, releasing a statement like this only helps these parasites (I'll repeat that because it's what they are), and hurts us.

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I do understand that Club 1872 doesn't ban anyone, but my point is that it's the only thing to do, other than cut off the oxygen to these parasites. We cut off the oxygen by ignoring them. The problem for us is that we have too many of our own supporters who continue to buy, read, and disseminate the nonsense they come up with. That's what Club 1872 could and should be pointing out. Let's stop buying the subscriptions and these people will die off.


As for your point about the statement echoing what many fans think, I completely agree with you, and I think the same. However, releasing a statement like this only helps these parasites (I'll repeat that because it's what they are), and hurts us.


These guys are paid to give their opinions - a ban won't stop that. If anything it may make them more bitter. It's a tricky one.....they will still spout their mince whether they are allowed in or not.

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all that does is circulate the story and play into the Records hands. They are not trying to encourage us to read the paper they are aiming for the Rangers haters


We need a structured and well thought out plan. Playground name calling will achieve nothing. Pick a newspaper give it the full backing of the Rangers support by letting it become an official partner of the fans group on the condition it helps named members write positive pieces that when mutually agreed can be printed. That's a small first step in fighting the hatred out there


Mate, papers are dying on their erse. No paper is going to commit suicide by becoming a Rangers partner, even if we could find one willing to do that - other fans would simply refuse to buy it.

The statement from C1872 was long overdue. If it was up to me I'd put some foul-mouthed guy with a loud voice in charge of answering some of the bigots currently running our side down.

Give them back what they've been doing to us.

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Boabie we've a million things to fix. Mudslinging with these cretins isn't one of them. It's just more bad publicity. It reflects and magnifies their stupid comments. Their employers will now think they're doing a good job because they are getting attention. That's their game. everythimg comes down to getting results on the pitch and every minute spent on activities that doesn't help that goal is a waste of time and effort. Rather than spend hours writing and agreeing and publishing this it would be better if they challenged the club on how to improve revenue streams from our own media channels or how to expand our fan base with positive interaction with kids or whatever. This is just negative. These emotive statements have to stop. Challenge in fact, libel, slander but ffs rolling around in the gutter with Sutton and Jackson is mental.

Edited by Walterbear
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