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Case against Green, Ashley and other ex Directors.

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Weve known that since 2012


its new info


he had the ticketus money before he owned the club, allegedly


how was that possible?


Ticketus loaned him the money which he put in an account which was proof of funds for the deal to purchase the club. Collyer Bristow used this as their 'proof of funds' statement. In itself not illegal to get a loan. Once he is owner however he then gives ticketus the season tickets for 3 years which ticketus sell for more than the loan. In other words by paying the loan back with season tickets (after he has control of the club) he is effectively buying the club using Rangers assets - which is illegal. He had to have the money in the account before Murray sold him the club. Murray and McGill are saying they were not aware he was doing that. Findlay is suggesting Murray knew he had no money therefore did not buy the club fraudulently (the first charge). The second charge relates purely to the ticketus arrangement.


NB. The normal business model for ticketus in football is a loan and that is repaid by handing over future ticket rights rather than cash. But to do this to actually buy the club would be illegal.

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The way i'm interpreting the latest BBC article is that regardless of who knew what Whyte conducted a criminal deal. It's apparently illegal under any circumstances to secure funds using the assets of an entity which does not belong to you and that's indisputably what he did. If that's the case he has no way out no matter how much the Donald muddies the waters.

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The way i'm interpreting the latest BBC article is that regardless of who knew what Whyte conducted a criminal deal. It's apparently illegal under any circumstances to secure funds using the assets of an entity which does not belong to you and that's indisputably what he did. If that's the case he has no way out no matter how much the Donald muddies the waters.


that is what i was referring to, the update in trial proceedings


it was always portrayed he allegedly paid the pound to murray then did the deal with Ticketus as owner

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that is what i was referring to, the update in trial proceedings


it was always portrayed he allegedly paid the pound to murray then did the deal with Ticketus as owner


When pressed by Mr Prentice, the witness accepted that Craig Whyte's company would not have claim to the assets of Rangers before completion of the deal.


Mr Withey said: "Only the owner of Rangers Football Club could use the tickets."

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Evidence was presented today.


Another production- a document "relating to the sale and purchase of certain season tickets" dates 9.5.11


The document is executed by Ticketus holdings ltd - Ross Bryan signing. Also signed by Craig Whyte for the Rangers football club plc

2:17 PM - 10 May 2017

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Gary Withey accepts Wavetower would not have claim to the assets of the club prior to completion

Edited by Blue Moon
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Gary Withey accepts Wavetower would not have claim to the assets of the club prior to completion


And yet the assets of the club were indisputably used to secure ticketus money prior to the deal being completed. Open and shut case on that score when we have his own lawyer from the deal conceding all that.


Also signed by Craig Whyte for the Rangers football club plc


BEFORE completion of the deal he is signing on behalf of the club? How could the Donald possibly dig him out of that little beauty.

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