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Kris Boyd: Would they have Sir David Murray back at Ibrox?

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Ifs, buts, maybes and all dressed with a bit of conjecture. He's got his opinion like so many others, only that he gets paid for the above as opposed to us.


The problem with the future is that no-one knows it. Always the great "what if". PC might screw it up with his signings? Or the Yahoos lose a few and find their way to goal a less comfortable? The Rangers Board hands PC those 5m plus? And the team starts to click instantly? We simply don't know and after years of trauma on and off the field, have a veritably degree of pessimism. That oozes out of any board you visit ... well, bar the German one, as we tend to be realistic enough and can accept the state we are in ... more readily than thse who live with the Scottish mhedia and their fellow Scottish supporters day in and day out.


The mantra "let's wait and see" is well worn out and is hardly accepted any longer, but at the end of the day, it is what we'll have to do.

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I'll seperate the below from the reply above, as it tackles something else:


There was sickening racist abuse directed at Scott Sinclair with someone else running on to the pitch to try and attack Scott Brown.Leigh Griffiths had a battery thrown at him.


That’s not the Rangers I know. That’s not the club I grew up supporting.I was brought up being told that as a Rangers fan there was a certain way to behave. It was other clubs who did things like that, not us.


Let's put in a few pics here ...






... while that was no goading, perhaps, what is this then? Running in front of the Bears after scoring and ... look at Sinclair's face and Griffths hand:




I didn't read anything about what the Bear (one of 45odd thousand) did untowards Sinclair or the one who "attacked Brown" (which was a heroic act in itself, given that the "attacker" might have caught something), but apparently theclub reacted quickly ...




Now, contrast and compare that to the thousands, ahem hundreds, ahem dozen ... ahem ... many supporters Hibs have banned for life for attacking opposition players, or the SFA meeting out some penalties.


With all due respect, given the provocation done, you have to commend the Bears for not getting onto the pitch in their hundreds and laying into the Yahoos who couldn't help themselves p*ssing all over us. And given what Griffiths did afterwards, I would implore the Rangers press folk and media people that should he EVER receive another interview at Ibrox, he should be taken out onto the pitch and made to do it there.

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In 2003, we found out that the club was effectively £80million in the red. Five years previously, we had been £20million in the black; a £100million turn around.


In those five years, SDM allowed 17 companies to provide services to Rangers. Azure catering, Response Handling, Primus, Premier Property, ............. etc. In all those companies, the 90%-95% majority shareholder was, David E Murray. It was calculated for every £1 put in by SDM, he was receiving £11.


Azure was the epitome of Murray's Mo at Rangers during that period. A middle ranking Murray Group associate identified that Rangers state of the art kitchens were lying fallow for 13 days out of 14. Food could be prepared for 2,000 folks every day and dispatched. It was centralised catering. Azure, after three years was turning over £14million, it was extrapolated the growth in the next three years would reach £40million. Azure were in 37 sporting grounds around the UK, from Fir Park to English county criket grounds and rugby league stadiums. The annual profit was projected as rising to £10-12million.


As the majority shareholder, that profit was going to SDM, he was paying a peppercorn rate of a couple of hundred thousands pounds per annum for the use of OUR kitchens. The best bit, WE were responsible for kitchen replacement and maintenance. The devil is always in the detail and I would advise Kris read and assimilate the referenced footnotes on the latter half of SDM's tenure. Murray saw the Conrad Black way of doing business, liked it, and proceeded to hollow out OUR club from the inside. Like Conrad, he should have ended in the tin pail.

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Was the club's policy of using third party contractors sound? Yes. Specialised companies can provide better services as they are expert in their field.


Was the fact that they used some of Murray's own companies unsound? Not on the face of it. It's often better to use a company that you can control easily than using a third party.


Were the services that the Murray companies doing so at market value? was there a competitive tendering system? Unknown. If the club could have got the same service at a cheaper price or a better service at the same price then obviously we should have done so. I haven't heard anyone ever comment with any authority as to the value for money that Rangers got from the Murray companies. we just don't have that information.


Is it correct that for "£1 put in by SDM, he was receiving £11"? - In terms of the services provided against the services received then yes, but so what. We're a football club. What services could we supply to his companies? How much of that £11 was pure profit? Unknown but it could have been £1.50-£2.00? We had to pay someone for the services. Why not the group that owned us, and that put £60m into us?


I made the following post in 2009:


Azure has been a loss making company up until 2006. I haven't checked any further forward than that, but it becomes less relevant. Losses incurred to Sept 2006 since they started trading totalled over £3m.


26th of Foot, in 2005 and 2006 Azure's turnover was around £14m but they made losses of over £600K in both years.


When Azure was set up it was owned 70% by Murray (through Charlotte Ventures) and the other 30% was owned by Caroline Black and Lawrence Morison. In 2004 all shares were sold to Eliance Events Ltd, a joint venture between Elior (51%) and Murray (again through C.V.) (49%).


In 2008, Murray sold out his shares to Elior. Elior is a French multinational catering company with no link to Murray as far as I am aware


If I recall correctly Azure was sold for £1.


I don't see that Murray made a lot of money through Azure providing Rangers with catering services and I just can't see that the Murray Group made more money from Rangers than the other way around. The profit made on the services provided would be nowhere near £10m nevermind the £60m that they put into the club.

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But I don’t know a Rangers supporter who would change anything if they could turn the clock back.The success they lived through in the 90s will stay with them until their dying day.


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There will be people who insist he made big mistakes at Ibrox when he was in charge, that he’s to blame for a lot of the issues now.But for me there are far bigger culprits than him.


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The stupidest thing that I have read in a while.


I would change a couple of things. For example, finding a less risky way to pay the players and not selling to Craig Whyte.


Seriously, why circulate this crap?

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serious question


have you been following the evidence being given in whyte's trial?


Yes as far as possible and it's perfectly clear that if Rangers or their bankers had known that the deal was being financed by the sale of 3 year's season ticket sales to Ticketus it would not have gone through. Quite apart from the questionable legality. What some seem to forget is that SDM is not on trial in this case (though he appears to be on trial here).


I fully expect Whyte to be found guilty though Findlay's defence of obfuscation will no doubt mitigate the sentence.

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