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He remains a bamboozling appojntment, especially after we've been stung recently on more than one occasion by managers with a limited track record. He showed initial promise, particularly in the second half against Aberdeen, but overall things have been pretty shambolic. He has no discernible style and much of that Partick game was as poor as anything I saw under McCoist. The fact he could ever see the long ball as a viable tactic to win a match is extremely worrying. He needs to get a season with his own players, however, just like any other manager.


At the end of the day, does anyone trust our club or board to unearth an unknown gem, whether it's on the park or off it?


I think we need to wait til Caixinha brings in his own players before we make judgement on him.Then he can play a system which suits them accordingly


It is clear he doesn't rate the majority of the squad he has inherited much of which I think goes back to last summer when MW was bringing in so many players but few of which improved the squad

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He remains a bamboozling appojntment, especially after we've been stung recently on more than one occasion by managers with a limited track record. He showed initial promise, particularly in the second half against Aberdeen, but overall things have been pretty shambolic. He has no discernible style and much of that Partick game was as poor as anything I saw under McCoist. The fact he could ever see the long ball as a viable tactic to win a match is extremely worrying. He needs to get a season with his own players, however, just like any other manager.


At the end of the day, does anyone trust our club or board to unearth an unknown gem, whether it's on the park or off it?


Please see my post #134



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Typical fans....They complain when one manager doesn't have a plan B......then complain when a new manager tries to implement plan B & Plan C.

My impression of PC is that he is very technical with his approach to the game. He appears to be trying to get players to play & move in a very specific manner & to see spaces & opportunities. The flaw in this plan is the many of the current players do not seem to be able to firstly comprehend what he is trying to do & secondly (as a result of point 1) are unable to effectively execute it on the park. Essentially, many of the players are more used to playing with purely their feet & not their heads.


Hopefully PC will be able to bring in more "intelligent" (in a footballing sense) players who can see & understand clearly the technical requirements. They may then be able to pass that on in a more practical sense to the others.


If this way of playing works and is implemented long term through the academy, we will then be in a better position to produce real quality players that can go on to play at the highest level.

Yeah, that's something I never said.

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My query here would be...do we have a 'real coach'? I mean, his CV is awful. I'm fully behind him as I would be with any appointment, but I remain ambivalent.


At the end of the day, who fucking knows until he has his own team. I think you more than anyone else would have zero faith in this board unearthing a Conte out of nowhere....

Edited by Ser Barristan Selmy
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