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Miller Speaks Out Against Ref

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? Referee John Beaton could have stopped play for the force of the challenge alone. Sometimes you’ll see referees doing this just to calm down the player involved, or the game as a whole. However, that would have put Beaton in an awkward position. People would have asked why he didn’t give a card given that he awarded the foul.


• Craig Anderson is a former fully qualified referee. He is also the man behind SPL Stats on Twitter.

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If Brown brought his elbow up deliberately which he did then it's violent conduct in the same as it's deliberate handball if your arms are in an unnatural position and the ball then strikes your raised arms.


Agreed it was a fantastic tackle. We need a player like that.

You really never let things go lol.



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Been away all weekend & just watched highlights. Beaton is a coward who should have shown two redcards in the first half:-


1)Cannot believe lego-muncher didn't get a red card for that elbow on miller. He knows miller will outjump him so uses his elbow to take him out......STRAIGHT RED


2) Simunovic flies into a tackle with both feet & takes player & ball. Dangerous play.......STRAIGHT RED


Wee Brenda has certainly learned how to influence referees in this country hasn't he ? After their Ross County game a few weeks ago he knows to kick up the biggest stooshie possible when a poor decision goes against. He even got an apology from the yahoos referee's gaffer Fleming. Somehow can't see Caixinha getting anything here though

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Been away all weekend & just watched highlights. Beaton is a coward who should have shown two redcards in the first half:-


1)Cannot believe lego-muncher didn't get a red card for that elbow on miller. He knows miller will outjump him so uses his elbow to take him out......STRAIGHT RED


2) Simunovic flies into a tackle with both feet & takes player & ball. Dangerous play.......STRAIGHT RED


Wee Brenda has certainly learned how to influence referees in this country hasn't he ? After their Ross County game a few weeks ago he knows to kick up the biggest stooshie possible when a poor decision goes against. He even got an apology from the yahoos referee's gaffer Fleming. Somehow can't see Caixinha getting anything here though


I am not going through the whole argument again. It was not a 2 footed tackle and not even a foul. Read through the thread for the answers.

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I am not going through the whole argument again. It was not a 2 footed tackle and not even a foul. Read through the thread for the answers.


Read my post again. He takes player & ball. It is dangerous play. Is it ok to break someone's leg as long as you win the ball?

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I am not going through the whole argument again. It was not a 2 footed tackle and not even a foul. Read through the thread for the answers.


It seems we disagree Pete. There was a big discussion on Snyde over it tonight. You think it wasn't a foul (as does BH) some of us think it was.

It was certainly dangerous in this day and age. That, according to the rules, is a yellow. I still believe it's a red.

On another note Richmonds explanation that Miller "ran into lego munchers elbow" is laughable.

Edited by cooponthewing
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Are we all ignoring the second leg sweeving round to take the man then.


I noticed that GS. He "cleaned him out", right through him like a dose of a dodgy curry!

It's dangerous and reckless, if he misses the ball by a few inches Miller is going home on crutches.

I keep saying it, you can't (shouldn't?) be able to get away with that anymore.

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