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It's deja-vu all over again.

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I have just returned from four days in France, attending the funeral of an old professional colleague. Sitting in the Airport yesterday afternoon, I read online of Broonaldo's deserved red card being reduced to a caution. I was disbelieving, an uncontrolled launch on the blind side of Liam Boyce was only minimised by the Ross County having his foot in the air. I know we will NEVER know the names of the panel that has arrived at such a ridiculous decision, because demands for transparency are always muted when ra Sellik are the beneficiaries. I would like to hear their rationalisation that arrived at such a conclusion.


My colleague had been an Officer in the French Foreign Legion, specifically the REP parachute battalion. He was old school St Cyr, a strict adherent of iron discipline. He was proud of the French Army's mechanism for maintaining discipline in WW1 trenches, 'pour l'attention des autres'. A public demonstration to alert others musing on mutiny, sheltering, self inflicted wounds, ..... etc. Simply, the French picked a number of soldiers from the 'offending' unit, and executed them in front of the assembled battalion. Thirty-five years past, I was abhorred by such actions, but put the French belief in an old Roman practice; down to their army then being almost entirely one of national service.


Ten years ago, the then objective Host of ra Show on Radio Snyde was, Peter Martin. The self-styled, 'Biggest Tim in Newarthill' was fulminating because Lawwell was preventing ra Sellik moving to the next level in Euro competition. If Peter would release the necessary funds, Bitter was convinced his beloved green'n'grey hoops would become regular quarter/semi-finalists in the CL/Europa cups. Interestingly, today's Objective Host of ra Show, Gerry McFcukwit believes Brendan's Sellik could do a Leicester if Lawwell ........ well, you get the picture.


Anyways, Peter had had enough of Bitter Martin's accusations and decided upon, 'pour l'attention des autres' action. Bitter was called in, and informed his planned live commentary on Snyde of the upcoming Sellik/Barca game, was not happening. Snyde's cheque was returned and Bitter had to troop back to Clydebank and explain to his bosses that all that prime time advertising revenue would have to be returned. Bitter was left on the evening, talking to James Grady whilst watching Barca spank his beloveds on the TV. Similarly, Nuremberg Hugh began utilising his Daily Record column to urge Peter to loosen the purse strings. Again, brought in to ra Stydome and told publicly(a full page explanation in ra Sellik View) his press privileges were being withdrawn for two years.


Back to the Broonaldo situation, the same action has been undertaken. Peter has decided to publicly humiliate referee, Don Robertson. He told Stuart to select a panel certain to facilitate the demand. Both broadcast and print media will say nothing. You have got to wonder? Only last week, circulation figures for newspapers revealed the Daily Record's demise has continued with a 12% in a calendar year. The commercial arrangement between Sellik and the Record is working well for one party; both club paper and programme printed and distributed for a fraction of the cost, whilst the other party to the deal takes a doing adhering to the message.


Often, in the year we worked together, I reminded my colleague that the French army mutinied in 1917. Pour l'attention des autres does not always produce the desired effect. There was an intransigence in French military logic. It's akin to General de Gaulle penning the definitive history of Napoleon's le Grand Armee, several hundred pages and not a single mention of Waterloo. Lawwell's arrogance is on a par with the leader of the fifth republic, and I suspect his decision to use Brown's lunge as an exercise in humiliation of a referee, will become the start of the tipping point in a more objective appreciation of his methods. A steam hammer to crack a nut or breaking a butterfly on a wheel. Resentment will follow.

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I would hope that our referees took note. One club and one club alone was responsible for our officials going on strike. The newspapers only hinted at who caused it last time.

A referee sent Brown off for as clear a red card offence as you'll ever see. He appeals on a holiday weekend allowing him to play in the next match and then his appeal hearing decide the referee was wrong.

Hit the streets with your whistle and flags again guys - only this time NAME the club you're unhappy with.

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I would hope that our referees took note. One club and one club alone was responsible for our officials going on strike. The newspapers only hinted at who caused it last time.

A referee sent Brown off for as clear a red card offence as you'll ever see. He appeals on a holiday weekend allowing him to play in the next match and then his appeal hearing decide the referee was wrong.

Hit the streets with your whistle and flags again guys - only this time NAME the club you're unhappy with.


I would blame their employers....

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If my cup was half-full, I could envisage that should BDO lose the EBT case, they will whip up another panel and review the decision of the LNS one and twist them to their comfort.


You do wonder who the SFA and SPFL is actually responsible to? You also wonder why the rest of the Premiership teams and their management let themselves drawn by the nose down the green-grey garden path time and again, as if they can not survive without them? You wonder about the apparent conflict of interest with so many staff at the SFA and SPFL, who have ties to the Yahoos, and no-one is willing to talk about that? And you wonder why leaks about all these machinations simply won't appear in any Wikileaks form et al ...

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Former Scottish referee Charlie Richmond believes the decision to overturn Scott Brown’s red card was the wrong call.


Richmond also claims Andy Halliday’s challenge on Patrick Roberts in the Old Firm semi-final was only worthy of a yellow card. The ex-whistler appeared on Thursday’s Sportsound contest to discuss the overturning of Brown’s red card, which was downgraded to a yellow on appeal.


He said: “Surprised but not disappointed because of the way the system works. As well all know, the judicial panel is made up of an ex-referee, ex-player and ex-manager. “It’s on the incident alone. Unless you were out of the country during the week you would have been aware of the tackle in the Old Firm semi-final, but you cannot take that into consideration in any shape or form.


“For me, it’s a red card. You’d classify it as the old-fashioned ‘scissor’ tackle, where he goes in with the front foot and the second foot sweeps around and gets him on the Achilles tendon. Asked whether he thought Halliday’s challenge was a red, Richmond said: “No. I thought it was a ‘stop the game’. I would categorise with, if you’ll remember a few weeks ago, Hamilton were playing Ross County, and Giannis Skondras went in to stop the County player at the halfway line. He went in with one intention, to stop him playing. “Skondras got sent off but it was reduced to a yellow card. I would compare they two tackles.” Comparing Brown’s and Halliday’s, he added: “Halliday has went in with a bent leg, while Brown has gone in with two straight legs and scissored together.”



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If my cup was half-full, I could envisage that should BDO lose the EBT case, they will whip up another panel and review the decision of the LNS one and twist them to their comfort.


You do wonder who the SFA and SPFL is actually responsible to? You also wonder why the rest of the Premiership teams and their management let themselves drawn by the nose down the green-grey garden path time and again, as if they can not survive without them? You wonder about the apparent conflict of interest with so many staff at the SFA and SPFL, who have ties to the Yahoos, and no-one is willing to talk about that? And you wonder why leaks about all these machinations simply won't appear in any Wikileaks form et al ...


What happens with the EBT case doesn't matter DB. Certain comments and productions produced during the case ongoing at Glasgow high court have left us wide open. The chorus has started up again and it wouldn't surprise me the singers were successful this time.

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