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Dave King defies Takeover Panel order to issue £11m buyout offer

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A liar and someone who abuses and threatens other Rangers fans.


Given his personal lies about me on social media, please do not post his website on here. If people want to read it they can find it easily enough.


PS: This is a tweet I was sent a while back. Complete and utter nonsense from a proven liar.







An ex Gersnet poster who could see a clear case of mistaken identity felt he should try to put matters right.


The blogger has now accepted that he was wrong and I'm told he has published a retraction and an apology.

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An ex Gersnet poster who could see a clear case of mistaken identity felt he should try to put matters right.


The blogger has now accepted that he was wrong and I'm told he has published a retraction and an apology.

Worked for the daily record i suppose




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An ex Gersnet poster who could see a clear case of mistaken identity felt he should try to put matters right.


The blogger has now accepted that he was wrong and I'm told he has published a retraction and an apology.


Where can said retraction and apology be found?


The original tweet is still in place.



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I've read a lot on the forums suggesting that many people (or even the majority) are against DK. I just don't know where that comes from. I realise there are a number of people who have strong feelings against him and hence find it useful to express their anti DK opinions on the forums. However, speaking as someone who is a straight forward supporter without the baggage of knowing what others appear to, I'm still supportive of what he's doing so far. All of my family and friends are too, so what is it that others know that we don't?


This case involving the Takeover panel is a nonsense and is a waste of public money as far I'm concerned. It makes no sense, albeit I understand the need for protection laws in relation to takeovers. The Takeover Panel has had opportunities in the past to take action and they haven't? This case makes no sense to 'prosecute' and I'm disgusted that public funds are being used for this purpose. Why is there such support from some quarters for such a ridiculous stance against our chairman? There are too many people who just roll over for instances like these and I, for one, am glad he's taking a stand against it. I do however wish we'd take a stand against many of the other injustices to hit our club, but we're in enough battles at the moment I suppose. As far as I'm concerned this is a private matter for him to deal with as he sees fit, and doesn't impact the club, other than his association with us.


I'd be happy for someone to point out other wrongs he may have perpetrated but this doesn't appear to me to be one at all. Am I missing something? What's the big deal here and why are so many fans interested in it? I listened to his interview a couple of weeks back and he once again came across as a sensible guy who is trying to save his club. Until such times as I believe his motives have changed, or until someone can give me good reason why someone else would be better off in the chairman role, he will continue to have my support.


He's delivered against all the things he said he would as far as I know and those actions are worthy of some respect. I'm much more suspicious of those people that seem to have such animosity towards the only person willing and able to save my club.


I don't know DK, and he may well turn out to be untrustworthy, and a charlatan as other have suggested. Our scrutiny of his and the board's actions will continue to be intense, as they should be, but let's not be so hasty in casting aspersions when it's unreasonable.


Happy to be challenged or enlightened on this. Until then I'm just going to get back to enjoying the football.

Edited by Gaffer
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It's in his blog.


Which is all well and good.... perhaps he can find the 30 seconds to go through his Twitter timeline and delete the offending tweet too.


We lambast the red tops for the same stupidity.

Edited by craig
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