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Dave King defies Takeover Panel order to issue £11m buyout offer

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Nonsense upon nonsense upon stilts!! And all, ahem, " in the public interest".


It would seem that the CofS will endeavour to force David K, on pain of sanction, to make a costly offer for shares at significantly below market value -an overture which even the man in your local knows will fail- because, well, "Them's the rules", and irrespective of the particular circumstances of the Company, of the views of other shareholders,of the views of stakeholders (supporters, primarily), and of the clear risk that the public will regard this with hilarity, feeling that the Lords/Ladies of Session, and the Gentlemen/Ladies of the Takeover panel, are, in their application of the Laws and Rules, and in their interpretation of the greater interest, quixotic at best, pathologically pedantic at worst.

A reductio ad absurdum, as they would have said in the Wine Alley.

Edited by Uilleam
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Another Court Case, they come along like Statements, one after the other.


I thought we were going to be off the front pages and dealing only with football stories from now on and no more "noise". Perhaps I misheard

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I wouldn't be overly confident that their efforts this time round will end in failure.


This was a worrying line and reminds me, my good man = whatever happened to the "good news" that was on its way a couple of months back?

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In essence, King should have stayed at 10% shares or less, given what the Taylor, Park and Letham had accumulated?


King told the TOP or rather the Committee that he didn't own any shares.

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On Newsnow, this story gets three hits so far, two of which come from the Daily Record. Let's see how it takes on thereand compare it to the Dermot Desmond story about that tax evasion bank in the Baltic, which was effectively swept under the carpet by the cottish media.


BTW, it remains a mystery why the media refers to King as if he was the owner of the club and not just the chairman, not least when it comes to "spending money" and opening the "treasure chests".

How are they the same. Foreign bank v scottish institution



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The only person to blame for this whole debacle is DK himself , him and his big mouth never know when to shut up , personally the sooner he's away the better .

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It is David K's problem, if such it is, absurdity and all.


It has been put to me that never before has the Takeover Panel acted against any alleged malefactor within minutes -minutes- of the response period expiring.


Such apparent, and unusual, alacrity seems odd.

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How are they the same. Foreign bank v scottish institution


It is not that hard to understand, really:


Again: Let's see how it takes on there and compare it to the Dermot Desmond story about that tax evasion bank in the Baltic, which was effectively swept under the carpet by the Scottish media.


It has nothing to do with the actual topic, but the way the story will be used by the Scottish media as opposed to the one involving Dermott. I was, at the time of the latter story pointing at exactly that:




NewsNow Rangers has 11 hits on the current page alone, from various Scottish papers. The Dermott article (see above) saw exactly ONE article and that was , IIRC, from an Irish paper. Hardly a whisper in the Scottish press about tax evasion (sic) at its finest.


EDIT: it was indeed in the Scottish Herald ... and then, silence occured.

Edited by der Berliner
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