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Tv programme about Torbett - new allegations.

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The SFA cabal are incapable of making any decisions on anything!, and I predict nothing like demotion or bans will happen!.


This is different from anything previous. Much more serious. And the SFA might end up being told what to do. This is a criminal investigation.

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This is different from anything previous. Much more serious. And the SFA might end up being told what to do. This is a criminal investigation.


Exactly!, as I said they have proved time and again they are incapable of making any decisions, patsies!

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The list of boys club players who then went on to play for Celtic is incredible. The whole of porkheid knew what was going on. It took Fergus McCann 10 minutes to suss it out.


Re Hibs - the disgrace of a man that was the journalist should be getting leaned on by the polis. It's clear Hibs covered up child abuse from the top of their organisation. The silence is deafening. Not one journalist or pundit has followed that up. The worst media in Europe.



Hepburn - he should be in jail. Daly should have smacked him in the gob. Hepburn was actually proud of the fact that he had kept his word to Kenny Waugh ("a decent man") while Neely was free to rape young kids. Drives me nuts.

Edited by SteveC
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Interesting - the Daily Record had the headline "Teacher and ex-Boys club boss suspended..." - no mention of club in the headline - on their website earlier. Now? Not even anywhere near the top stories or even on their main page.


Surprise, surprise.


Edit - it is actually half way down with a more vague headline "Football Coach Suspended From Job as Primary School Teacher After Historical Sex Abuse Allegations".


The story has almost complete removed any reference to Celtic, however at the very bottom it says "king confirmed that he had once been the chairman of Celtic Boys Club". Nothing about the fact he is still an acting member of it which a small amount of investigating would show.


Sweep sweep.

Edited by StuGers
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And right on cue ... the BBC has a neat damning report on King. Which will fill far more webspace than the above story soon enough. At least with the Record and Co.


http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-39598397 -> see King thread for full C&P before clicking ;) ->



Edited by der Berliner
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Interesting - the Daily Record had the headline "Teacher and ex-Boys club boss suspended..." - no mention of club in the headline - on their website earlier. Now? Not even anywhere near the top stories or even on their main page.


Surprise, surprise.


Edit - it is actually half way down with a more vague headline "Football Coach Suspended From Job as Primary School Teacher After Historical Sex Abuse Allegations".


The story has almost complete removed any reference to Celtic, however at the very bottom it says "king confirmed that he had once been the chairman of Celtic Boys Club". Nothing about the fact he is still an acting member of it which a small amount of investigating would show.


Sweep sweep.


And other media are repeating the "distinct and separate from the Football Club" line. Why then were managers Stein, macari and brady all involved with dealing with youth players' complaints, one might ask.

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Their players and stadium are run by separate companies from their holding company which is how fergus McCann set up their corporate structure but it's still all 'Celtic'. The separate legal entity doesn't wash when we are talking about concealment of crimes. For me this is a morale issue and one in which individuals need to be pursued. The pursuit of individuals covers all legal entities and the roles played by individuals and the motives for their cover up. I don't think anyone could seriously say Celtic football club today are legally responsible for abuse at Celtic boys club over those 4 decades but it's pretty obvious that members of one organisation allegedly covered up the activities of the other (I don't know if they actively participated but that should be investigated) and the question is that if they did then to what extent, why they did it and if guilty how should they be punished. What comes across from the documentary is that the victims were scared of damaging their career prospects or were encouraged to keep quiet because of the reputational damage it would cause to the clubs (i.e. Celtic and Hibs).


Considering this was supposed to be an explosive documentary taking months and no doubt costing a fair bit of cash to produce, Mark Daly and the BBC must be disappointed that no one appears to be interested across the rest of the medal or even n the Scottish government. Meanwhile handbags at 10 paces between mccoist and Lennon caused an absolute uproar.

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And other media are repeating the "distinct and separate from the Football Club" line. Why then were managers Stein, macari and brady all involved with dealing with youth players' complaints, one might ask.

You wonder if part of the interview process for the celtc managers job is ability to cover up atrocities



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