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Peter Lawwell wants Parkhead to become sports hub that Glasgow

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CENTRE OF ATTENTION Celtic chief Peter Lawwell wants Parkhead to become sports hub that Glasgow can be proud of


The Hoops supremo fears that politicians only focus on the NEGATIVES of Scottish football and that they will be blind to the vision of his plan


IT’S often said that politics and football don’t mix — but Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell disagrees.


The Hoops chief executive has been working on an ambitious Parkhead masterplan for years now.


Lawwell wants to build a hotel and museum in the shadow of the stadium, with cafes, bars and other amenities to follow.


With the Emirates Arena across the road, the Celtic supremo sees a sports event hub that Glasgow could be proud of.


But Lawwell fears that politicians are so focused on the NEGATIVES in football that they are blind to helping this vision become reality.


He said: “I don’t think there is the appropriate recognition of what we do as an industry by the politicians — in terms of help, support and understanding of what we contribute.“Whether it is in the city or in the country, I think there is a reticence to support us and support football.“There is negativity.


“When you hear government talking about football it is always about strict liability, offensive behaviour, the whole thing.“There is never any positivity.

“We as a football club put so much into the economy and therefore you need support, you need partnership.“There has really been no sense of partnership in terms of taking things forward — from anybody.“It has always been mainly negative.


“So what we would like to see is the value of Celtic and the value of football in Scotland recognised in terms of the social, cultural and economic benefits it gives to the country.“We keep fighting that.


“So for things like making Celtic Park an event area, we need partnership and we need to look at doing things a bit creatively and with innovation.“We could have the support to do something special in terms of destination, to create the Glasgow Sports City here.“You already have the Hydro, the SECC and everything else — but you could create a sports city.


“To understand and to partner with us to do something like that would help Celtic and help the city.“I think football’s importance needs recognised first and then we can start moving on.“Look at the economic contribution we make, not just in terms of our supporters but the PAYE tax we pay to the Chancellor.“Particularly in terms of Glasgow these days, we are a very important employer.


“We create a lot of economic value and I think we need that recognised.“And with the cultural and social aspect that football gives I think we need a bit more recognition in terms of what we want to do.“Clearly finances are limited in government as elsewhere.

“But if there is some form of investment and an understanding of what we do culturally and socially rather than just the neutral position they take at the moment, that would help football.”


Celtic have applied for planning permission for a Parkhead museum and hotel already — and expect an answer after the summer.


If it is granted, they will then weigh up their next move — whether there are government partnerships or not.

Lawwell said: “If you go back seven or eight years ago we put in a masterplan to Glasgow City Council which included the museum and the hotel.

“That was really the basis of it.“At that time we were concluding deals to buy the land, which we now own.


“So from there we developed the masterplan and we said, ‘Right, we think there is a demand for a hotel and we have needed a museum for years’.“But it has been a case of priorities. Do you put the money in the team?“Where we stand is it is in for planning. Once we get the planning we’ll assess the whole situation.

“Then there will be a feasibility study done, then we will see if we can fund it and take it on.“So it is a very early on. No firm decision has been made but we are just taking it stage by stage.


“The masterplan is what we would love to do but this is Scotland and you need the football first.“You need the product on the pitch — the thing that brings people here is the football they come to see.”


In terms of Celtic Park itself, Lawwell has ruled out rebuilding the main stand to take the capacity to 80,000 — unless the club end up playing in a different league.

He said: “It is difficult to see a payback on that. The supply and demand is about right.“If we went to 80,000, it would only make sense if we played in a different environment or had more European football.“At the moment, it doesn’t make sense.”



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He wants more government mone. Really ffs


I would not bet against him getting a significant 'contribution'.

Nor would I bet against the piggery becoming the "National" Stadium, with the SFA and SPFL as tenants.

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In the next two years Parkhead will be the national stadium its all part of a cunning Celtic/council plan that will see Hampden knocked down and replaced with much needs housing the spiders will play at the renovated lesser Hampden .

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In the next two years Parkhead will be the national stadium its all part of a cunning Celtic/council plan that will see Hampden knocked down and replaced with much needs housing the spiders will play at the renovated lesser Hampden .


I doubt the rest of Scottish football including ourselves would agree to this

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Remember they have already conned the council into selling them land at ridiculously low prices and with the SNP now making deals with "Greens" they will probably get money off them no problem.


I'm no fan of the SNP but they'd have to be incredibly stupid to get involved with LIewell in this.

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