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Match Preview : Aberdeen v Rangers.

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The Northern Light.


The northern lights of old Aberdeen mean ....................... lots of different things to lots of different Rangers supporters. Forty-odd years past on the Uni mini bus returning from a Scottish Cup game at Pittodrie, we sang such illumination meant sweet fcuk all. We were indifferent to Furryboots City and the Dandyism contained within the city walls. Although, earlier in the day, standing atop an open South terrace, I became quite animated when our own heavenly dancer, Ally Scott prodded the Bears ahead. The animation became more exaggerated in the second half due to the Dons reserve number nine, Wullie Miller equalised. A couple of pleasant post match drinks in Aberdeen Uni Union ensued and we were informed by Dandies sharing the bar, that Miller had been loaned out to Peterhead the season before and had finished the Highland League season as top scorer. Further, we were assured his goal was a one off, and he was a dud.


I should mention we had a special guest on our bus that day, the manager of Arbroath, Albert Henderson. His nephew was our Convener and a post grad' Bacteriologist. Albert was in the Arbroath hot seat for eighteen years, several of those in the top flight. He thought the boy, 'Miller' was a player. The only mitigation under the Ibrox floodlights in the midweek replay, was witnessing Rangers play in an all white strip. Bobby McKean's leveler should be remembered, but unfortunately, the Dons struck either side to knock us out the cup, 1-2. My memories of travelling to Aberdeen between the mid 60s and mid 70s will be shared by most Bears. It was a four hour journey up, most clubs stopped for a purvey lunch in Laurencekirk/Stonehaven, had High Tea and a few drinks in Aberdeen or just outside, before replicating the long and weary back down the road.


It's how it was back in the day, no animosity between Bears and Dons. On the trip related, in the Uni Union, we were shown a room full of trashed furniture and fittings. This was the debris left after Glasgow University Sellik supporters club had visited three months previously. The Aberdeen SRC banned said Yahoo club due to unacceptable behaviour, a dozen years later the ban was reimposed indefinitely. The Dons did not have a big travelling support, those that came to Ibrox mostly stood in the west enclosure. Again, I remember standing next to and exchanging comments with them. It wasn't always entirely friendly, just the normal differing of opinions from opposing supporters. I do not remember any squaring up.


In September'79, I received a few days leave and traveled up from Hampshire to Pittodrie for an early season league game. We scored first, courtesy of DJ, and then were most lucky Aberdeen's reply stopped at three. Later, that evening, I met a couple of mates from the Uni supporters' bus, both then living and working in Aberdeen, including the former Convener. We dined in the town's best eatery at the time, 'Gerard's'. The atmosphere had changed, our pre-meal drink at the bar was interrupted by cat calling from other parties. We were advised to tone down the Weegie accents and one garrulous Dandy opined, "ye shid ah be quarantined in yer slums". Our former Convener reminded the clown of the last quarantine on these islands, it was Aberdeen in May 1964 because of an outbreak of Typhoid. Nearly 500 folks hospitalised due to contaminated Fray Bentos steak pies.


I have read it all over the years, the animosity began with this, that, and everything. It was Ferguson's siege mentality, it was Wullie Johnston standing on McMaster, it was our inability to accept Aberdeen's success, it was Simpson's tackle on Durrant ...................................... etc. It could simply be that Aberdeen are a one club city and they needed a rival, or they do suffer from a massive insecurity. One thing is true, absolutely. The last thirty years has seen an increasing amplification of the animosity. The application of the needle on this particular record is often at the hands of the Yahoos. They are a club like no other, they steal their song from Liverpool FC and the way they hate our club has emanated from the Dandy Dons.


The Yahoos in both broadcast and print media love to lionise the Dandies when they pitch up at ra Stydome and sing, "we hate Rangers more than you". It fair tickles them and the message is most often reinforced on BBC Scotland. You see, all those Dandies behind the mikes were conditioned by the fanzine, 'the Northern Light'. The main artist on the Northern Light was Gordon Reid. He depicted Bears as failed abortions, wire coat hangers protruding from our heads. He drew the strip, 'the Bigots'. There was even a front cover of a stairway with skulls piled at the bottom. Well, you can imagine how much this all inspired our separated brethren. Gordon Reid was transferred from the Aberdeen 'zine to the Sellik one, 'the Alternative View'. He began a strip entitled, 'the H-u-ns' where John Brown was depicted as a dress wearing knife wielding, psycho. Then, Matt McGlone took Reid to his 'zine, 'Once a Tim'. Fergus took control of ra Sellik and decided to have dearest Matt inside the tent and offered him a five year contract as a Sellik View columnist. Gordon Reid received the same contract; of course, the strip became, 'the Celts' but it was the same characters. You see the journey, from Rangers hating in Dandy 'zine, to official Rangers hatred in official club organ?


It's all a well rehearsed and choreographed piece of theater with BIG Am-Dram Quine, Richard Gordon leading this Sunday's anticipation. All the usual players will contribute their venom, it's quite an act, hissing and spitting at the same time. The Producer will have the appropriate texts and e-mails ready to support Chris McLaughlin and Liam McLeod. The amplification will be up for any chanting worthy of report. Similarly, the knob will turned to eleven if Joe Garner raises an arm. The banners and the songs from the home support will be cheeky and good natured craic. Even engraving a rancid comment about the Ibrox Disaster into the metal of the Rangers team bus will be quietly put to bed. A hotel car park with CCTV, and yet no one sees it, no one questioned, no one charged, no one investigated. BBC Scotland refused to discuss it on grounds of, 'taste'.


As for my team, I agree with Frankie below and I hope Rangers and Rangers supporters maintain their discipline. I hope for 1-1.

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