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Rangers v Motherwell- April's Full day

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Against killie we should play with a backsie in goal no defenders two bandy legged wingers and nine centre forwards


I seem to remember the problem with a 'Backsie' was after conceding, they were back out. A system that seems to encourage conceding goal after goal. No, put the boay wi the big ears in goal, that's his position.

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Bizarre game really.


First 30mins or so we were awful along with conceding another dreadful goal.


Second period the manager was forced into changes but I thought they were OTT. Sure stick on Halliday for Wallace and even MOH for Hodson but to not replace Hill with Senderos was a huge gamble and - if we're honest - if it wasn't for Wes it wouldn't have paid off.


To be fair to the manager though, what the changes did do was completely alter the dynamic of the game which was their purpose I suppose. It created an exciting end-to-end contest and we could have scored 2 or 3 more ourselves so Pedro may argue his changes did work.


All in all, a draw was probably a fair result and with Hearts and St Johnstone both losing it should help us secure 3rd. However, what I took from the match was again a severe lack of quality and motivation in the team. Our key players (Waghorn, McKay and Hyndman) all struggled and no-one else really took a grip of things for me.


Kudos to Wes, Toral, Kiernan and Halliday who I thought all did pretty well after the break despite being isolated more often than not by the tactical confusion and odd bit of panic.

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While we could see that MOH is not a learned defender I actually wonder if he would not be better in the right back position given time. I remember Arthur Numan's first game at LB and he was absolutely hopeless. PSV lost 6-1 and Numan was all over the place. He is\was certainly no worse than Hodson and offered far more going forward.

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It will be interesting to see who Pedro targets in the summer. IIRC only Hill, Miller, Senderos are out of contract so he will be selling a few if he plans on changing. Our defence is too thin and has been all season - which I said months ago. To have 3 full backs is worrying and Saturdays game is lucky its taken until April for it to show. Of course this isnt Pedro's fault, it lays with the previous management not addressing it yet overloading in midfield. Only Crooks is the other one who can supposedly play centre half yet he is punted to Scunthorpe and there is rumours he is actually an attacking midfielder.


So no doubt Pedro will buy a few defenders.

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BTW, I've said before but we should be signing Moult who is a really useful player.


I have only seen him versus Rangers, albeit always causing problems for the defence. I suspect that you could compile a gey long leet of players who give that back line (the usual suspects, not Saturday's improvisational troupe) some difficulty.

He is certainly worth consideration, but signing players because they look good against us, particularly in our current incarnation, is likely to be fraught.

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Moult has played 28 games for struggling Motherwell, scored 15 goals and assisted another 6. He's 24-year old Englishman with a contract till summer 2018.


The thing with these chaps is that players will give an extra bit against the bigger teams to impress and get a transfer. No problem here. What we often see though is that these players suddenly - with us - find themselves in an environment where THEY have to take responsibility and not run after the odd lump forward or bully their way through a packed penalty area every now and then. When you have to be creative and intelligent against a host of defenders snapping at your ankles from the half-way line onwards. How many can make that step up?


It will be very interesting to see what sort of changes PC will ring in the summer and whether he looks at the British/Scottish market.

Edited by der Berliner
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