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Record Back Page 31/03/2017

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Go back to 2012.


When Rangers got voted out the then SPL because of 'Sporting Integrity' did those ten SPL chairmen never consider the commercial consequences? A crap TV deal & no league sponsorship was the end result


Why should SKY or any other broadcaster throw money at Scottish football if they don't have to ?


I'm just disappointed we don't have a high-profile Rangers CEO to ram this down their throats. Especially Doncaster's.

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Unarguably, there is only one match which generates any interest at all, furth of Scotland.


That match is the only one which generates any significant interest within the country, too.


And when you deliberately remove that fixture you accept the commercial consequences.


Instead of 'sporting integrity' I'd call it 'commercial suicide'.


It is very noticeable this season how far the standard in Scotland's top division has fallen since we were last in it in 2012.

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And when you deliberately remove that fixture you accept the commercial consequences.


Instead of 'sporting integrity' I'd call it 'commercial suicide'.


It is very noticeable this season how far the standard in Scotland's top division has fallen since we were last in it in 2012.


Spot on indeed.

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Of course, the SPFL also has a massive deal with Chinese TV running ...


SPFL agrees new live TV deal for China


The Scottish Professional Football League has agreed a deal to show live Scottish football on mainstream television in China for the first time.


Thought to be worth about £500,000 a year for three years, the deal is with Letv Sports, China's leading digital broadcast platform for sports.


It will make 55 Premiership matches available across TV, online and mobile.


SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster said: "It's a fantastic deal for Scottish football."


The deal forms part of a wider, 10-year international rights agreement worth about £20m struck in 2013 between the SPFL and MP & Silva, which sells rights to the region for the benefit of all 42 SPFL member clubs over that period.


With the 55 games per season, there are rights to broadcast Scottish League Cup and Petrofac Training Cup matches live.


Doncaster said the new arrangement, revealed to member clubs at a board meeting at Hampden, "further demonstrates the international interest in our national sport".


"Clearly, this is a massive market and gives our member clubs a great opportunity to sell themselves to the world's fastest growing economy," he said.


"Scottish football has an unrivalled history and so many positive stories to tell and we very much look forward to working with Letv Sports and MP & Silva to do just that in the three seasons ahead."


Games will be streamed live across all forms of China's traditional TV channel, IPTV, and all its online and mobile services.


Letv Sports is billed as China's fastest growing sports media platform following the recent acquisition of major sports properties to expand its portfolio of content and having amassed more than 120 sports media rights in 17 categories such as football, basketball, motor sports, cycling, equestrian, marathon and combat sports.


Chief executive Lei Zhenjian said: "It is a great addition to our expanding line-up of premium sports content.


"Football's popularity is rising in China and Letv Sports is committed to acquire as many of the world's top sports properties as possible to serve our sports fans in China."




Success sells in China and there are more Bayern Munich fans down there than in the whole of Germany, as a recent report suggested.


As for the Scottish laments, this is just a continuation of the Scottish clan mentality, just brought into the 21st century. Just like some clan-chiefs stuck a knife in Wallace's back and gained some "goodies" from Edward and Co., peanuts of course, the SPL clubs followed the Yahoo-led campaign to see us cast out of the SPL back then. And much like with Edward, only the Yahoos have gained anything from that action ever since, raked in title after title and CL millions gallore. Not that the other Scottish club chairmen ... oops clan-chiefs ... would see or accept that. The whole lot were led down the green-grey garden path into oblivion for a promised (short term) gain that for most never materialized. And the demagogues from the East and the compliant mhedia do their utmost to sweep that under the carpet, or better still, blame us for the mess. If it wasn't so sad, you could actually laugh about it ...

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Sidenote, what are the actual viewing figures then? That is, people watching SPFL football as opposed to rugby, golf, curling et al, as well as EPL football? It actually made me laugh when they lamented about Greece, where people are mad about football (and basketball, but there you go) and the interest in the game is as high as it can get.

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How can Austria produce a decent national team on practically the same amount. But to be dwarfed by Norway and Denmark shows they run their leagues and countries well.


Even if we did get more from SKY I wouldn't trust the powers that be to spend it fairly or wisely.


Its an argument for summer football though. More viewers would tune in when there is no Premier League to say a Aberdeen v Rangers / Hearts v Celtic game. And an Rangers v Celtic game in the July sun would generate bigger audiences.


But we would end up getting out done by this ICC summer friendlies who are paying silly money to get Europes big clubs around the world.


Have you seen how much they are charging the punters for tickets Gribz ?


I was looking at possibly taking the family to Miami for the Barcelona v Real Madrid game at the end of July... ticket price, on pre-sale and officially (so not a ticket tout) was $750 a ticket - and that was the cheapest I could get. Absolutely insane for what is nothing more than a pre-season friendly. I took my kid to Barcelona v Chelsea a couple of years ago in the ICC and the ticket prices were maybe $150 each which isn't too bad - but...... Barcelona were without Messi & Neymar (they were playing Copa America) and Suarez only played for 45 minutes (he was suspended from Cope America due to his biting incident), Pique & Mascherano didn't play either - the only real "names" that they had playing were Jordi Alba and Rakitic. Our seats were in the nosebleeds.


Compare and contrast that with 3 weeks ago when I took the family to Barcelona for the weekend.... tickets to see Barcelona v Celta Vigo in an important league fixture cost me 130 Euros each.... and we were sat right behind the subs bench. And the whole team were on show.... Messi, Neymar, Suarez, Rakitic, Rafinha, Busquets, Pique, Alba, Sergi Roberto, Ter Stegen - whilst Mascherano & Iniesta came off the bench.


The ICC are going to start pricing themselves out of the market very quickly at those prices - people will just stop paying ridiculous prices for games which are nothing more than pre-season training sessions.

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